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钱德宾的工作为何?。What is Chandler Bing's job?

钱德有了一台新电脑。Chandler gets a new computer.

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你要嫁给钱德宝?You're marrying Chandler Bing?-Yeah.

对不起。这样吧,我们用丢的好了。Chandler throws the ball to kick-off.

钱德勒向吉儿笑了笑,她也甜甜地回笑了一下。Chandler smiles at her, she smiles back sweetly.

你在这里工作钱德宾的办公室在哪里?。You work up here. Where's Chandler Bing's office?

我会安排船舶供应商见你们的管事。I'll arrange the ship chandler to see your purser.

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钱德希望莫妮卡戴上他送的耳环。Chandler wants Monica to wear the earings he gave her.

侨依和钱德勒在怂恿他去和她搭话。Joey and Chandler are egging him on to go talk to her.

听着,安卓,你可不能告诉钱德。Listen, Adrienne , you can't tell Chandler about this.

钱德,你能不能派一点点女人到我们的晚会?Chandler could you aAt least send some women to my party.

汤姆-羌德勒曾是美国罗得岛州的桂冠诗人。Tom Chandler is the Poet Laureate Emeritus of Rhode Island.

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但是现在,库班老板优先要处理的是钱德勒。But for now, the owner"s priority needs to be Tyson Chandler."

钱德想和她一刀两断,却一次次的礼节性的对她说,记得打电话给我啊!Chandler tells her he"ll call even though he doesn"t intend to.

加里纳利和钱德勒是否做好准备承担更多责任?Are Gallinari and Chandler ready to take on more responsibility?

在圣地亚哥我第一次和泰森·钱德勒打球。I played against Tyson Chandler for the first time in San Diego.

威尔森钱德勒发现在纽约尼克斯队的新罪行的信心。Wilson Chandler finding faith in the New York Knicks new offense.

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一次加索尔和奥多姆的错误的轮转使得钱德勒偷袭得手。A faulty rotation by Gasol and Odom led to a put-back by Chandler.

不,钱德真的好壮我的手好酸喔,护士。No , Chandler ' s really strong . My arm is so sore . Oh , nurse ?

黄蜂队有一个非常年轻的核心——保罗、韦斯特和钱德勒。New Orleans has a great young nucleus with Paul, West and Chandler.