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希望在此结识更多美国短毛猫的爱好者。Hope to meet more American Shorthair Lover in here.

CFA登录猫场,专门繁殖英国短毛猫。CFA registered Cattery which breeds British shorthair.

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不用多作介绍,大家对英国短毛猫也不会太陌生罢!Needless to introduce this most famous shorthair breed in the world!

我们培育出颜色英国短毛猫蓝,丁香和杂色在法国的颜色。We breed british shorthair in color blue, lilac and parti-colour in France.

这两只英国短毛混血猫虽然外表同样可爱但是性格却不尽相同。The British Shorthair mixes are similarly adorable but have different personalities.

在自我专门蓝色和银色平纹英国短毛猫和西澳大利亚的小猫。Specialising in Self Blue and Silver Tabby British Shorthair cats and kittens in Western Australia.

最流行的所有这些是美国短毛猫已在美国300多年。The most popular of them all is the American Shorthair which has been in the US for over 300 years.

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她上传自己的美国短毛猫的照片,有时也写写自己的一天。She uploads pictures of her American shorthair cat, and sometimes writes about her day in her own posts.

在行为特征方面,美国短毛猫有一个很大的身体而且比起欧洲的猫更强壮。In terms of characteristics, the American Shorthair has a large body and sturdy shape compared to European cats.

在她最重的时候,这只家养的短毛猫重达24.9磅。她看起来像个毛绒绒的普拉提球。At her heaviest, the domestic shorthair cat tipped the scale at 24.9 pounds. She looked like a furry Pilates ball.

牠是由深褐色缅甸猫和黑色美国短毛猫品种繁殖而成,且拥有缅甸猫的结实身型。It was developed from the Sable Burmese and black American Shorthair breeds and exhibits the muscular body type of the Burmese.

因为长毛系比短毛系有更长的被毛显得有柔软的线条和少有的极端的的体形。Because of the longer coat the Longhair Division appears to have softer lines and less extreme type than the Shorthair Division.

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对于短毛东方画上出现的外衣,它是软的,缎子一样的接触,他们的长期富有弹性的尾巴似乎永远继续下去。For the shorthair Oriental, the coat appears painted on, it is soft and satin like to the touch, and their long whippy tail seems to go on forever.

当得到足够的血统成为一个独立的品种后,异国不在允许和其他品种的短毛猫杂交,而和波丝的杂交则一直是被认可的。American Shorthair breeders were given a choice of registering the kittens as Americans or Exotics, but once registered as Exotics they could not return to American.