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阿克顿是个非常能干的人。Acton is an able man.

因此她说,星期二去阿克顿的一个日文学校。So she said, come to the Japanese school in Acton on Tuesday.

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阿克顿承认结论并不一致。Acton conceded that not everything pointed in the same direction.

夏洛特写道作为柯勒贝尔,刘慧卿作为埃利斯Bell和安妮作为阿克顿贝尔。Charlotte wrote as Currer Bell, Emily as Ellis Bell, and Anne as Acton Bell.

阿克顿先生并不把他在生意中的道德运用到私人关系中去。Mr Acton does not carry over his business ethics into his personal relationships.

仅阿克齐镇参加双语培训人数达150人次。Only take part in the town of Acton Qi bilingual training a total of 150 passengers.

塔克还是马基纳克公共政策中心的助理学者和锁子甲大学一名教员。Tucker is also an adjunct scholar with the Mackinac Center for Public Policy and an Acton University faculty member.

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阿克顿镇地铁站附近的酒店使游客很方便,因为靠近希思罗机场。Hotels near Acton Town tube station are convenient for tourists because of the place's proximity to Heathrow Airport.

阿克顿说学校“迫切的想公开”那些保密的数据,并已经和Met办公室商讨有关详细信息的发布。Acton said the university was "longing to publish" the restricted data and had worked with the Met Office to release details.

它变得那么,我的职责简单解释的来源和所柯勒,埃利斯和阿克顿贝尔写的书的作者。It becomes, then, my duty to explain briefly the origin and authorship of the books written by Currer, Ellis, and Acton Bell.

对消防队员皮特阿克顿和他的一家来说,这是百感交集的一天,这棵曾生长于纽约州乡村里的老树已经被砍光了。Firefighter Peter Acton and his family, this day is an emotional one. The tree grew and was felled on their land in rural New York State.

阿克顿勋爵准确地指出,西方的政治自由实践主要源自中世纪的教俗纷争。Lord Acton was correct to suggest that the practice of political liberty in the West arose largely from this medieval church-state conflict.

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人们一直认为,所有的名字都是根据柯勒,埃利斯和阿克顿贝尔在现实中,出版的作品,一个人生产。IT has been thought that all the works published under the names of Currer, Ellis, and Acton Bell were, in reality, the production of one person.

邦德影片的成功使康纳利得以把妻子,儿子贾森,和他的继女搬进城里俯瞰伦敦阿克顿公园的居所。The Bond pictures’ success permitted Connery to move his wife, their son, Jason, and his stepdaughter into a town house overlooking London’s Acton Park.

数十年以前,在切尔诺贝利和三英里岛事故之后,核工业设法证明新的反应堆包含了更好的安全特性。Decades ago, after the Chernobyl and Three Mile Island accidents, Mr. Acton said, the nuclear industry tried to argue that newer reactors incorporated much better safety features.

回顾河南女性网络发展历程、收获和成长、机会和挑战,撰写相关文章,本文将刊登在全球基金观察,届时望和大家一同分享。We wrote an article to recall the history, experience, opportunities and challenges of Henan Women's Acton Group. The article will be published in the 15th issue Global Fund Watch.

但是仅仅藏,在男性的名字背后,比如贝尔,艾略特等等,并不能解决,女人的地位问题。but nevertheless hiding behind frequently male names like Currer Bell, Acton Bell, George Eliot, and so on, and not really entering into questions of the place of women in society.