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那倒是一则讥讽的恭维话。That's rather a backhanded compliment.

那倒是一则挖苦的恭维话。A backhanded shot into the opponent's court.

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有趣的是,这种违背,以一种令人讽刺的方式发生。The disobedience happens in a rather backhanded way.

以一个奇怪的,反其道而行之的角度来看,这也未尝没有道理。In a strange, backhanded sort of way, that seems to make sense.

如果这带有一种恭维式的挖苦,那么他应该有这样的权利。A backhanded compliment if ever there was one, but he is right of course.

他们说我是一个聪明的女生,其实是一句言不由衷的恭维话。They gave me a backhanded compliment when they said I was smart for a girl.

从最好的方面看,这种想法是对精明的老年消费者拐弯抹角的赞扬。At its best, the idea is a backhanded compliment to discerning older consumers.

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我算是看出来了,每一篇关于中国的文章都是消极和讽刺的内容。I swear, every article about China are either negative or backhanded compliments.

作为回答,凯恩反手一掌打在卡尔洛斯的脸上,直击那块刚刺青过的皮肤。For answer, Cairne backhanded Garrosh right across the face, striking the fresh tattoo.

我觉得我的活力和力量很多都间接来自于我的竞选运动。In a backhanded way, I think a lot of my energy and strength comes from my campaigning.

但他没有停下来,他把称赞给了库普切克。But instead of stopping there, he had to throw yet another backhanded compliment at Kupchak.

稍后,当她升职,开始管理以前的同行时,她感到了他们讥讽的恭维中所包含的嫉妒。Later, when she took a job managing former peers, she felt their jealousy in curt, backhanded compliments.

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后来,她参加了前同行的管理工作,她觉得他们在简短的嫉妒,讽刺挖苦的恭维。Later, she participated in the management of former colleagues, she felt jealous of their brief, backhanded compliment.

路德把慈运理试图把基督的同在“属灵化”,视为想要在暗地里否定基督真实的人性。Luther saw Zwingli's attempt to "spiritualize" the presence of Christ as a backhanded way of denying Christ's true humanity.

“即便赞扬我的评论也多似明褒实贬,”他说。“他们会说我的表演不错,荒诞得几乎让人接受不了。”Even my good reviews have tended to be backhanded compliments, " he says. "They'll say I was good and almost unbearably grotesque. "

但侵犯也可能不知不觉地悄悄潜入——言语上的冷嘲热讽,背地里对你的个性,价值的评论。But attacks can come in such subtle ways – snide verbal attacks and backhanded compliments on your character, your value, your worth.

杰西·力姆的恭维似乎带有讽刺意味,他指出丹尼尔·雷德克里夫一件衣服也穿很长的时间。Jessie Lim gave a backhanded compliment, after pointing out that Daniel Radcliffe also wore the same t-shirt for an extended period of time.

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这些在这几个点上的切割造成神经损伤以至于是手腕弯曲手指卷起就像是服务员拿背后的小费这个动作。The severing at these points causes nerve damage that makes the wrist flex and the fingers curl up in the manner of a waiter taking a backhanded tip.

埃及军方的上述举动看起来更像是旨在维持自身长期稳固的政治地位的惺惺作态。If the officers’ moves seem like a backhanded way of creating the conditions favorable for an enduring political role for the Egyptian army, they are.

要怎么样才能知道你的情人已经在脑子里决定了要结束这段感情,只是还没有去做呢,也就是你书中提到的“模棱两可的分手”?How do you know when your guy has already decided in his head that it's over, but he's not going to cut the ties —what you call in the book a "backhanded breakup"?