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很容易做硬板书签。Easy to laminate the bookmarks.

用于1540、1040和1030系列卫生间隔断的层压塑料。Plastic Laminate is used for 1540, 1040 and 1030 Series.

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采用进口美耐板、防火板贴面。Imported laminate fireproof panel sticking to the surface.

这是一个易于安装和防水强化木地板。It is an easy to install and waterproof laminate flooring.

主要研究了复合材料层压板的变形情况。The deformation of composite laminate was studied in this paper.

木种须与表面木皮或板材匹配或类似。Species shall match or be compatible with face veneer or laminate.

把点检表分成两份,一个放在桌子上另一个放在你的旅行包里。Laminate the lists and keep one in your desk and one in your travel bag.

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两层压薄膜层都需要在印刷和普通形式,。The two-ply laminate film was required in both printed and plain form, and.

主立面采用青灰色的细节和滑动穿孔层压板。The main façade has pewter details and sliding panels of perforated laminate.

把你特别喜欢的画作成卡片类作品,是送给亲戚们的最棒的礼物。Laminate drawings you especially like. These make great gifts ideas for relatives.

内置真空系统,使工作贴合时不产生位移现象,保证工件良品率。Build-in vacuum system ensure laminate correctly and greatly improve product efficiency.

上下两层薄亚麻仍作为复合材料片层的表层裸露在外。The first and second scrim layers constitute exposed surfaces of the composite laminate.

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崧蓝绿色的弹性座垫和崧蓝绿色桌面相互辉映。The pastel turquoise seat cushionsmatched the pastel turquoise laminate of the table top.

但是强化地板较于实木地板,其耐磨层要好上很多。But more on the wood floor laminate flooring, better than many of its wear-resistant layer.

偏光片吸附班巧妙设计,能保证大面积百分百吸附牢固、平整。Delicate polarizer absorptive board ensure laminate the large size panel firmly and flatly.

用浸渍环阳树脂的玻纤布制成的阻燃积层板。Flame Retardent laminate made from woven glass fiber material impregnated with epoxy resin.

所有的安装点和法兰尚处在这个层压板,以最大程度的力量。All mounting points and flanges are entrapped within this laminate to allow maximum strength.

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我公司也是国内最早生产强化复合地板的厂家之一。My company is also the earliest the production of laminate flooring, one of the manufacturers.

对复合材料层板中椭圆分层的断裂力学问题进行了研究。The fracture mechanics feature of elliptical delaminations in a composite laminate is studied.

并将其应用于制备内嵌式电容器用玻璃布复合层压板。A new glass cloth laminate applied in embedded capacitor are prepared with the composite resin.