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他们抛弃旧怨。They buried the feud.

侮辱只是起到了加剧长期不和的作用。Insults only served to inflame the feud.

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牛顿就曾与莱布尼兹成为冤家。Isaac Newton had a bitter feud with Leibniz.

他也开始接二连三地和艾奇逊院长发生争执。He also began a running feud with Dean Acheson.

这两个家族间有血仇。There was a blood feud between the two families.

这将成为他们世仇最终的胜负。It would be the ultimate tiebreaker in their feud.

于是一场同室操戈不可避免的发生了。The happening with a then inevitable internal feud.

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对这场血海世仇继续装作视而不见是奥巴马承受不起的。Obama cannot afford to keep ignoring this blood feud.

邻里间关于房产分割线的争执持续了数年。The neighbors' feud over the property line lasted for years.

而3月,谷歌就和中国政府闹别扭。Google started its feud with the Chinese government in March.

这周帕丽斯希尔顿和琳赛罗翰把她们的矛盾搬到了伦敦。PARIS HILTON and LAZY LOHAN brought their feud to London this week.

他比喻肃贪会和警察的关系是“壁虎对鳄鱼”。He fanned the KPK-police feud with his “gecko versus crocodile” analogy.

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这一“家族夙仇”意味着没有一个男性族敢越出自己庭院一步。The blood feud means no male relative dare set foot outside their own yard.

由于两家不和,他已经多年不与岳父母说话。Because of a family feud , he hasn't spoken to his wife's parents for years.

科尔比家族和卡林顿家族为了共同的利益捐弃旧怨。The Colbies and the Carlingtons sank their family feud for common interests.

两人之间不可调和的矛盾在去年得到缓和,而且奥尼尔今年也不会上场。But the feud between the two thawed last year, and O'Neal wasn't in this game.

此次事件可以被理解成两个家族的仇杀。This can be understood as a blood feud between two families, " Mr Atalay said.

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这位中场球员与阿森纳队的罗宾·范佩西一直有矛盾。The midfielder is involved in a long-running feud with Arsenal's Robin van Persie.

穿高跟鞋的一派与穿低跟鞋的一派互相进击,誓不两立。The school and wear high heels with a low wear shoe attack, irreconcilable blood feud.

当地媒体称,近几年这个村子出现了家族间的世仇。Local media said there had been a feud between families in the village in recent years.