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在桑多梅日桥头堡,敌军的坦克更多一些。There were more tanks at the Sandomierz bridgehead.

布拉德,听我说,我有桥头堡跨越萨尔地区。Brad, listen, I've got a bridgehead across the Saar.

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化妆品、杂货都是桥头商店货品大宗。Makeup and sundries are the staples of Bridgehead shops.

桥二环辛烷不给出有意义的桥头取代。Bridged bicyclooctanes gave no significant bridgehead substitution.

抱歉,Linux青年,你的立足点被转移到大众市场了。Sorry Linux fan-boys, there goes your bridgehead into the mass market.

我们为在桑多梅日桥头堡所即将到来的作战准备已经完成。Our preparation for the forthcoming battles on the Sandomierz bridgehead was over.

桥头跳车是目前公路建设中急需解决的问题之一。Bridgehead bump is one of the urgent problems in the process of highway construction.

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他说,新疆是西部大开发的重点地区,是向西开放的桥头堡。Xinjiang is a key area of western development and the bridgehead of opening to the west.

三川郡是韩国阻挡秦人东进的战略要地,也是秦国和秦朝控制东方广大地区的战略桥头堡。It was also the strategic bridgehead for Qin and later the Qin Dynasty to control the vast oriental market.

日本人期待这样的进攻可以使苏联人放弃他们的桥头堡又或直接将朱可夫的部队击溃。The Japanese hoped to either force the Soviets to abandon their bridgehead or to completely rout Zhukov's forces.

如何让以色列相信,它让出的土地不会被当作进一步斗争的桥头堡,就像现在的加沙一样。How can Israel trust that the land it vacates is not used, as Gaza has been, as a bridgehead for further struggle?

结合工程实践,通过对高等级公路桥头跳车产生原因的分析,从设计和施工角度提出具体防治措施。Based on the practice, analysis is made on the causations of highway bridgehead vehicle jump and given the preventions.

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这是我的生意,过桥,探索桥头堡之外,并找出哪些点敌人了先进的。It was my business to cross the bridge, explore the bridgehead beyond and find out to what point the enemy had advanced.

桥头跳车作为道路交通安全的重要隐患之一,严重影响了高速公路的社会效益。As one of the important problems of road safety, bump at bridgehead has affected the social benefits of the highway seriously.

租界既是殖民侵略的桥头堡,又是先进的资本主义文明在落后的封建中国的窗口。Concession is both the bridgehead of colonial aggression and the widow through which capitalistic civilization spread in China.

简述桥头跳车的原因及其对行车速度的影响,并从理论与施工上论述了解决公路桥头跳车的措施。The paper introduces the speed influence of bump at bridgehead on highway and gives some solutions with theory and construction.

我省公路桥渡建筑物水毁的产生原因,提出了防治措施。Discussion is made on the flood cause of formation to highway bridgehead in Heilongjiang Province, and given the countermeasures.

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桥头堡是陆桥经济研究中一个具有特定内涵的重要概念。In studies on the economy along the Eurasian Continental Bridge, bridgehead is a very important concept with special connotations.

此站点复制服务正作为一个或多个目录复制连接器的桥头运行,因此无法删除。This Site Replication Service is functioning as the bridgehead of one or more directory replication connectors and cannot be deleted.

在桥头堡周围任何地方,无论我们什么时候开出去打算干点什么,几乎总是用不了半个点儿,第一批炮弹就赶到了。Whenever we went anywhere around the bridgehead to see what could be done we had at most a half hour before the first shells arrived.