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举行家庭辩论赛。Hold debates.

抱紧她!Hold her firm!

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抱紧我。Hold me tight.

捏着你的鼻子。Hold your nose.

但是,就此打住!But hold it here!

屏住你的呼吸。Hold your breath.

像这样拿笔。Hold your pen so.

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你就不能忍忍吗?Can't you hold it ?

请妳握住我的手。Please hold my hand.

但他们会疯狂地牵手么?But hold hands madly?

我来拿你的包吧。Let me hold your bag.

请不要挂线。Please hold the line.

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我多想牵着你的手啊。I wanna hold yur hand.

他无法再工作He couldn't hold a job.

且慢--等一等。Hold on--wait a minute.

把那家什拿稳了。Hold that thing steady.

停住那辆坦克!Hold the Friggin' tank!

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我只想抱著你。Ijust want to hold you.

这招你知道?。Oh, you know this hold?

等等,别着急。Wait a minute, hold on.