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他被判严重玩忽职守。He was found guilty of gross dereliction of duty.

钟离的失职令高义山大怒。The clock from Gao Yishan rage of dereliction of duty.

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他因渎职而受到降级处分。He was degraded from office for his dereliction of duty.

我们怎么会拥有这么一位深谙被离弃者之痛哭的上帝呢?Why do we have a god Who understands the cry of dereliction?

他因严重失职被降为普通士兵。He was reduced to ordinary soldier due to a serious dereliction of duty.

他青春期的叛逆行为包括故意疏忽所有应付的责任。His adolescent protest consisted of dereliction of all his responsibilities.

艾格纳说,严重疏忽、玩忽职守者将面临追究刑事责任。Aigner said, gross negligence, dereliction of duty will face criminal prosecution.

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第四部分是关于渎职罪主体的本质特征。The fourth part is the essence of the subject of the crime of dereliction of duty.

由感于此,本文集中对渎职罪的主体进行探讨研究。Thus, this article concentrates on the subject of the crime of dereliction of duty.

中国官方媒体报导,两名煤矿官员因被控怠忽职守而被拘留。Official state media say the two mine officials were detained for alleged dereliction of duty.

如何以劳动者严重失职或营私舞弊为由解除劳动合同?How to Dissolve Labor Contracts on Grounds of Serious Dereliction of Duty or Practice of Graft?

作为农民的耕地应受到国家重点保护,可他们这些人肆意践踏。As farmers deserve state protection of farmland, these people trample serious dereliction of duty.

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第三部分是我国渎职罪主体的立法缺陷。The third part is the legislative deficiencies of the subject of the crime of dereliction of duty.

但是如果贪污、玩忽职守和权力滥用成为常规,那么体制自身就腐化了。But if corruption, dereliction of duty and abuse of power are the norm, then the system itself is corrupt.

主要介绍渎职罪主体的有关立法以及有权解释的规定。Introduces the main crime of dereliction of duty and the right to interpret the relevant legislative provisions.

对失职造成的亏损,除照价赔偿外,还要给纪律处分。The losses caused by dereliction of duty, in addition to price as compensation, but also have to be disciplined.

哈梅内伊下令Kahrizak监狱必须关闭,其监狱长被撤职并因玩忽职守罪被逮捕。After Khamenei ordered the prison to be closed down, its head was dismissed and arrested for dereliction of duty.

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在客体方面,独辟蹊径,从渎职罪侵犯的对象入手,提出自己的观点。The object, humor, from the crime of dereliction of duty violations start with the subject, put forward its views.

因此,研究渎职罪犯罪构成不仅具有理论意义,而且具有实践意义。Therefore, the crime of dereliction of duty is not only a crime of significance, but also of practical significance.

其他滥用职权、玩忽职守、徇私舞弊的行为。Other conducts involving abusing authority, dereliction of duty and playing favoritism and committing irregularities.