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我需要那种护发素。I need the conditioner.

你用润丝精吗?Do you use hair conditioner?

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我把润发乳抹在头发上。I put conditioner on my hair.

深层护发素或者蛋白质面膜Deep conditioner or protein mask

他们买了一台新的冷气机。They bought a new air conditioner.

我吹冷气会打喷嚏。Air conditioner can make me sneeze.

雅达的黑锦葵色护发素Aveda Black Malva Color Conditioner

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需要我们修理你的空调机吗?。Must we repair your air conditioner?

要一些謢发素吗?。Would you like some hair conditioner?

也许我们可以把空调打开。Maybe we can turn on the air conditioner.

往你的湿头发上喷些护发素.Spray the conditioner onto your wet hair.

常使用一些好的润发乳。Buy a good conditioner and use it regularly.

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你用润丝精吗?Lipstick and hair conditioner are cosmetics.

空调机开动时几乎连嗡嗡声都没有。The air conditioner droned almost inaudibly.

你们看到那边那个窗式空调吗?Did you see that window air conditioner there?

某空调器制冷、制热均失效。One air conditioner cooling, heating are failure.

要在她们的护发素里放脱毛霜么?。Put cream depilatories in their hair conditioner?

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制造商正在折价出售这款空调。The manufacturer is rebating this air conditioner.

他对这种新型空调器很感兴趣。He regarded this new air conditioner with interest.

你还记得咱们空调机坏了的那一天吗?Do you remember the day our air conditioner broke Down?