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他们是不可分离的。They're not divisible.

但能被400整除的世纪年2000年,则为闰年。But century years divisible by 400, like 2000, would be leap years.

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问这个两位数可被6整除的概率是多少?What is the probability that the two-digit number is divisible by 6?

整体论和复杂系统理论表明物质仍然是可分的。The holism and complex systems theory display that matter is divisible.

例如17就是质数,因为它只能被1和17整除。The number 17, for example, is prime, because it is divisible only by 1 and 17.

发现可被100整除的年份不一定是闰年,除非它能被400整除。Years that are divisible by 100 are not leap years, unless they're also divisible by 400.

水泥窑前后窑口、冷却机前端、湿法窑链条带等高温耐磨部位及其它工业炉窑内衬。Hood of cement kiln door, divisible furnace, chain zone, cooler, hind kilnnozzle etc and liner.

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一个正整数,如果能被并且只能被1和它本身整除,那么这个数就是一个素数。A positive integer is a prime if and only if it is exactly divisible by two integers, 1 and itself.

高校班集体大致可分为内聚型、一般型、涣散型。The class collective is divisible into three types, i. e. cohesive type, common type and loose type.

根据细胞生理活性差异可以把间期分成不同的阶段。Interphase is divisible into various stages each characterized by a differing physiological activity.

首次将可信方引入可分电子现金系统的研究,给出一个可撤消匿名性的可分电子现金系统。An anonymity revocable divisible e cash system is firstly presented with the introduction of a Trustee.

冀北晚更新世地层划分为迁安组与马兰组。The Upper Pleistocene in northern Hebei is divisible into the Qian an Formation and the Malan Formation.

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文中考虑了可除子模和纯子模的重要情形,并得出一些推论。The important cases of divisible submodule and pure submodule are explored and some corollaries are gotten.

针对异构总线网络提出了一种动态实时可分性负载调度方法。This paper presented an optimal real-time divisible load scheduling algorithm for heterogeneous bus networks.

休息时拉上门或幕帘,瞬时便可分割成两个互不干涉的空间。When resting, pull come or screen sign, instantaneous divisible into the space with two hands-off each other.

本文阐述应用位差筛法,对奇合数进行图象法分解的实验探索。This paper explores image decomposition and odd divisible number by using sieve method of potential difference.

除了世纪开始的年份外,所有被四整除的年份应是由366天构成的闰年。All years that are divisible by 4 should be leap years of 366 days, except those which coincide with the beginning of a century.

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前者承担可分割的生产资本的职能,后者承担不可分割的社会成本之职能。The former has the function of divisible production capital whereas the latter bears the function of indivisible social capital.

该值必须为偶数,因为系统规定位图位值队列以字对齐。This value must be divisible by 2, because the system assumes that the bit values of a bitmap form an array that is word aligned.

在支付协议中,该系统比目前基于二叉树的最快的可分电子现金计算量少60倍。Computation overhead of our system are 60 times less than the rapidest one at present based on binary-tree divisible e-cash system.