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他今天有一个会议。He's at a conference.

秦在一个新闻发布会上表示。Qin told a news conference that.

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欢迎来参加记者会。Welcome to our press conference.

到楼下的会议室去。Head down to the Conference Room.

如何制造曼陀罗的会议。At a conference on mandala making.

会议照片由杰弗里北拍摄。Conference photo by Jeffrey Beall.

我向他们传达了开会的情况。I filled them in on the conference.

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午饭以后,会议继续进行。After lunch, the conference resumed.

一天的会议需要花费85英镑。The one day conference costs GBP 85.

我预祝会议取得圆满成功。I wish the conference a full success.

接着它转头走回了会议室。It heads back to the conference room.

讲者曾经在会议演讲。The speaker speaks at the conference.

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他们步进会议室。They walked into the conference room.

感谢各位出席今天的会议。Thank you for joining this conference.

这则坏消息搅乱了我们的会议。The bad news disrupted our conference.

会议在混乱中闭会。The conference adjourned in confusion.

这起申请定于今天进行审前会议。The pre-trial conference starts today.

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我们在纽约的虚拟世界研讨会上逮到了林登实验室前CTO昂德莱奇卡。Virtual Worlds Conference in New York.

我叫约翰o史密斯,是会展经理。I'm John Smyth, the Conference Manager.

今天的发布会到此结束。That concludes today's press conference.