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这是一幅水彩画吗?Is it a picture of watercolour?

就象一幅水彩画的构成。It's like a watercolour forming.

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我喜欢水彩画的简单朴实。I enjoy the simplicity of watercolour.

他的水彩画里水分太多了!His paint in watercolour contains too much water!

具有现代意义的水彩画,始点当首推英国画家格尔丁。Girtim, British artist, created watercolour with a modern meaning.

我看见“自然”的淡墨画,这是第一次。It was the first time that I saw a faint watercolour painting in nature.

水彩画似乎仍比油画略逊一筹。Watercolour still seems somehow to be the poor relation of oil painting.

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这是一个DVD到理想水彩画的基础知识介绍。This DVD is an ideal introduction into the basics of watercolour painting.

在最近的新款女装设计特点中,NFD关注的是水彩印花。In the latest of our product-specific features, NFD looks at watercolour prints.

在我看来,中国水彩画的发展经历过三个大的发展时期。In my view, the development of Chinese watercolour experienced three major periods.

但是在本节目中,你只需要普通的水彩颜料和描图纸就可以了!But for this Art Attack you just need ordinary watercolour paints and tracing paper!

湖北水彩画的发展也是沿着全国的这条主线发展着。Hubei's development of watercolour also developed along with the main line of the country.

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这部水粉画中,环绕着小天使的是各种各样的美容产品和其他的物品。The watercolour shows the cherub surrounded by her beauty products and holding various items.

现代水彩的美术学价值,其丰富的教育潜能并未得到充分的发现和有效挖掘。The values of modern watercolour in fine arts studies have not been discovered and explored fully.

中国水彩画是随着近代的“西学东渐”从西方引入中国的。With the entrance of the western culture , watercolour painting was introduced to China from the west.

愿湖北水彩画家,齐心协力、团结一致、共同发展。I hope Hubei watercolour artists shall make concerted efforts, hold together and realize collaborative development.

猫应该会出现与用于手工绘制的风景水彩画节制,或许还有一个类型的影响的颜色。The cat should appear hand drawn with colour used sparingly for the scenery perhaps with a watercolour type effect.

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那些书信和卡片内容有诗歌、十四行诗和故事,用水彩画和水笔勾勒的轮廓作为装饰。The letters and cards are in the form of poems, sonnets and stories, decorated with watercolour and pen and ink sketches.

实践证明这一举措是对的,为湖北水彩画的后续发展奠定了基础。Practice has proved this measure is right and it established the basis for the follow-up development of Hubei watercolour.

湖北是个教育大省,美术教育在湖北水彩画的发展起到了不可估量的作用。Hubei is a major province of education. Art education has played an inestimable role in Hubei's development of watercolour.