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我们不知道自己是生活在后冰川期还是生活于间冰期。We do not know whether we live in a postglacial period or an interglacial period.

其顶部覆盖了末次间冰期古土壤与末次冰期黄土。The last interglacial paleosol and last glacial loess units overlie the top of this section.

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科普的研究小组重构了约12.5万年以前,最后一次间冰期时期的海平面。Kopp's team reconstructed the sea levels in the last interglacial period, around 125, 000 years ago.

利用地球化学分析,我们证明了这些河道在上个间冰期是活跃的。Geochemical analysis of the use, we have proven that these rivers during the last interglacial is active The.

自上次由冰河期向间冰期转变以来,我们已经享受了一万两千年的气候平静期。We have enjoyed 12, 000 years of climate peace since the last shift from a glacial age to an interglacial one.

现在已持续了15000到18000年,这个有利于生命的阶段也称之为间冰周期。This has now been going on for 15, 000 to 18, 000 years, a life-friendly period known as an interglacial cycle.

这项新的调查显示在过去的340,000年气温都“被钉在”间冰期内。This new investigation shows temperature 'spikes' within some of the interglacial periods over the last 340,000 years.

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景才瑞等也曾在庐山与鄂西高原地区划分出四个冰期与三个间冰期。Four glacial stages and three interglacial stages were divided by Jing Cairui from Lushan and the western Hubei plateau.

过去数百万年来,地球气候在冰期与温暖的间冰期之间反覆摆荡。OVER THE PAST few million years the earth's climate has swung repeatedly between ice ages and warm interglacial periods.

结果同时表明,间冰期时黄土高原地区风化成壤强度和南北气候梯度不具严格的对应关系。Our results also reveal two distinct combinations of climate gradient and weathering intensity for interglacial periods.

中国黄土—古土壤堆积是全球冰期—间冰期气候变化与东亚古季风气候变化共同作用的结果。Chinese Loess Paleosol sediments were just controlled by both the factors of glacial interglacial and paleomonsoon climate.

还无法确证不同冰川期与间冰期之间的相对长度、复杂性及温度。There is no conclusive evidence about the relative length, complexity, and temperatures of the various glacial and interglacial periods.

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早先的冰芯分析显示气候的有冰龄和温暖的间冰期大致为100,000年为一个周期。Previous analysis of ice cores has shown that the climate consists of ice ages and warmer interglacial periods roughly every 100,000 years.

因此,这一区域的高山冰川回应夏天季风强度的变化。This implies that increased precipitation from a strong summer monsoon triggered glacier advances in the Himalaya during interglacial times.

目前,冰河期和间冰河期的交替被认为受三个周期性的变化的影响。Currently, the shifts between ice ages and warm interglacial phases are thought to be influenced by three cyclical changes to Earth's motion.

人类对于气候有一定影响,但循环将会继续下去,总有一天间冰期将会结束,到那时冰层又将卷土重来。Human effects on the climate notwithstanding, the cycle will continue to turn, the interglacial will some day come to an end – and the ice sheets will descend again.

在上一次的间冰期,125000年前,格陵兰和西南极大陆的一些冰架也融化了,使得海平面上升了24英尺。During the last interglacial period, 125, 000 years ago, some of the Greenland and West Antarctic ice sheets melted too, raising sea level by 24 feet compared to today.

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1万2千年前,在最近一次间冰期——弗兰德间冰期开始时,巨大的冰层退去,人们得以返回北半球。Twelve thousand years ago, the great ice sheets retreated at the beginning of the latest interglacial – the Flandrian – allowing humans to return to northern latitudes.

幸运的是,在中国的一些特殊地理区域,的确存在末次间冰期的一些厚层黄土剖面,其沉积速率与分辨率都特别高。Fortunately, in some special areas of China, there are some thick loess profiles with higher resolution and sedimentary rate, which were formed in the last interglacial.

南极冰原里保存了长达40万年的气温记录。南极冰原,除了在海岸边缘部份之外,即使在最温暖的间冰期也没有完全融化过。A 400,000-year record of temperature is preserved in the Antarctic ice sheet, which, except for coastal fringes, escaped melting even in the warmest interglacial periods.