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我意识到,我的窗没有被云雾遮蔽。I realized there was no fog veiling my window.

解释意味着掩饰,所以我不会说什么。Explanation means veiling so I have nothing to say.

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它只是隐藏在面纱背后,投射出摩耶的力量。It is only hidden by the veiling and projecting power of maya.

基督教中面纱像犹太教中一样普遍。The place of veiling in Christianity is as prevalent as in Judaism.

情绪总是会影响判断和理智,从而阻碍宽恕的发生。Feelings often stand in the way of forgiveness, veiling judgment and common sense.

她不想嫁一个只想与戴盖头实践的穆斯林结婚的人。She did not want to marry a man who simply wanted to marry a veiling , practicing Muslim.

一些医生会隐藏自己意见,以一种隐隐约约的方式指导病人做决定。Some will resort to veiling their own opinions in a halfhearted attempt to direct the decision.

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这样才能将禁锢在黑暗面纱后面等待解救的妇女们带向文明希望的花园。Arab women await deliverance from the dark cage of veiling to a promised garden of enlightenment.

为什么宗教应该鼓励妇女们蒙纱以使多情的男人们避免着火?Why should religions encourage veiling of women in order to keep the amorous men from being aroused?

网状的头纱配上塔夫绸,简直就是超级具有空气感。A study in contrasts, net veiling over taffeta creates a full skirt that is remarkably light and airy.

有时候,一阵强风把树叶像阵雨般吹落在我们身上,给我们罩上金黄的色彩。Sometimes a stronger breeze brought down a shower of them which fell on both of us, veiling us in gold.

这一进程导致了前所未有的镜头高分辨率,高对比度和低面纱眩光。This process resulted in lenses with unprecedented high resolution, high contrast and low veiling glare.

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杂光是影响光学系统像质的重要因素之一。Veiling glare is one of the important factors causing deterioration of image quality in optical systems.

尽管婴儿疣猴都是全白出生,成年疣猴却是黑色的,有着有张白色边界的脸,薄薄的白色侧线腰窝,以及浓密的白色尾巴。Although infant colobus monkeys are born all white, adults are black with a white face border, white veiling flanks, and a bushy white tail.

为此,本文将揭开电子商务大环境中网络营销的面纱,并讨论如何与传统行业实现整合。So this paper will unveil the veiling of e-Marketing in the environment of e-Commerce and discuss how to integrate with traditional industry.

面对几乎没有房子,没有更多的公寓大楼而是一个植物性窗帘面纱外部楼梯的斜带您轻轻向天空。Facing the little houses, no more apartment blocks but instead a vegetal curtain veiling oblique exterior staircases which take you gently to the sky.

在先知穆罕默德的有生之年,戴面纱流行起来,可能是为了模仿他的众位妻子,她们依照他的请求在公共场合把自己遮盖起来。Veiling became fashionable during the lifetime of the Prophet Muhammad, perhaps in imitation of his many wives, who covered themselves in public at his request.

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也有很多其它领域,我们觉察到有掩盖真相的幻相,因此我们邀请你细细看上一眼,并意愿运作去揭开幻相的振动。There are many other areas where we perceive illusions veiling the truth and so we invite you to take a close look and to run vibrations that will lift the illusions.

苏菲坐在店子后的小凹室里面,在无边女帽上绣上玫瑰,在天鹅绒上蒙上面纱,用丝绸给所有的帽子加上内衬,在帽缘上安排蜡制的水果和时髦的缎带。Sophie sat in a small alcove at the back of the shop, sewing roses to bonnets and veiling to velours , lining all of them with silk and arranging wax fruit and ribbons stylishly on the outsides.

跳舞间歇时,一对舞伴就会走到门口,呼吸几口新鲜空气,那时候烟尘从他们四周消散了,那些半人半仙的人物也就变成了她隔壁邻居中的普通人物了。At intervals a couple would approach the doorway for air, and the haze no longer veiling their features, the demigods resolved themselves into the homely personalities of her own next door neighbours.