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不要娇惯我。Don't spoil me.

别把孩子惯坏了。Don't spoil the child.

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棒头出孝子的儿童。Spare the rod, spoil the child.

有些妻子曲意奉承丈夫。Some wives spoil their husbands.

人多嘴杂。厨师多烧坏汤?Too a lot cooks spoil the broth.

惜了棍子害了儿。/孩子不大不成器。Spare the rod and spoil the child.

为什么要剧透电影的情节呢?Why are you gotta spoil the movie?

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眀信片老是毁了我的假期。Postcards always spoil my holidays.

霜冻冻坏了最后一批花朵。Frosts spoil the last of the flowers.

但是千万别犯了过渡补偿的错误,此时,你的角色是疼爱,而非溺爱。Your role here is to love, not spoil.

不要吃太多零食搞坏了胃口。Don't spoil your appetite by snacking.

霉菌和真菌迅速弃土烟草。Mold and fungus spoil tobacco quickly.

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他所干的就是把事情都搞糟了。What he did was spoil the whole thing.

看样子班里面有几个捣蛋鬼啊Oh there's some spoil makers in the class.

如果没有,我只好先泄露一点剧情了。If not,I'm about to spoil the plot for you.

如果你不能加入他们,或野蛮破坏它们。If you can't join them, spoil or vandal them.

二月红看着丫头,满眼宠溺。February red looked at the girl, eyeful spoil.

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对他们而言,有好处的。小孩子不能太宠的。It is good for them. You can't spoil children.

你现在的行为会毁掉你的前程的。Your present behaviour would spoil your future.

不要用你的首页来宠溺他们,记住。Do not spoil them through your home page. Tease.