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这些诗都是爱默生写的吗?。Were asl the poems written by Emerson?

视频聊天可以传达美国手语的这类元素。Video chat conveys these elements of ASL.

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美国手语与英语的语法和结构不同。ASL has different grammar and structure than English.

大部分宝宝在6到8个月就能学习手语,他说。Most babies can begin learning ASL at about 6 to 8 months, he said.

甚至还有些诗人通过美国手语进行诗歌创作的美国手语诗集呢。There are even ASL poetry slams in which poets perform their works in ASL.

美国手语专业的学生精通耳聪的人各种视觉及身体交流。ASL majors master this visual and physical form of communication for the deaf.

通过互联网提供的美国手语服务带来哪些新机会和新挑战?What new opportunities and challenges stem from Internet delivery of ASL services?

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就是说在ASL下发布的软件可以集成到GPLv3协议的软件中。This means that code distributed under the ASL can be incorporated into GPLv3 software.

因为美国手语不仅依赖于手部运动,还依赖于面部表情,光靠文本只能传达有限的信息。Because ASL relies on facial expressions as well as hand movements, texting is of limited use.

手语指导师使用这个项目来教家长与宝宝们手语,活动分布全国各地。It's a program used by certified instructors teaching parents and babies ASL across the country.

“生命是束洁白的火焰,我们寄托本身心田看不见的太阳而生存。”--------托马斯?布朗爵士。Life is a pure flmorninge. we asl live by a poor profile sun within us. -------Sir Thomas Browne.

其中两个单位是使用美国手语服务的医院,第三个是提供此类服务的非营利机构。Two of the sites are hospitals that use ASL services, and the third is a nonprofit provider of such services.

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但对美国手语使用者的研究表明,受过教育的成年聋人的平均阅读水平仅相当于9岁儿童。But studies of ASL users show that, on average, educated deaf adults are likely to read at the level of a nine-year-old.

既然语言最基本的功能是传达概念,那么美国手语在这一方面和其他的口头语言相同。ASL is in this respect no different from spoken languages, since the principal function of language is to convey concepts.

有一天晚上,我看见月亮徘徊在土地和前被送进了无形的,心里却充满了歌曲。The other night, asl saw the moon linger over the land and before it was sent into the invisible, my mind was filled with songs.

在刚被监禁的时候,尼姆总是将手伸出铁笼,向实验室的职员们打着手势,可惜没有人学过美式手语,大家都不懂他在说什么。The newly incarcerated Nim persisted in signing to the lab staff through the bars of his cage, but no one there was familiar with ASL.

采用眼动记录法,探讨了语篇理解中类别指称对象的可提取性。Using ASL 504 Model eye-tracker system, the study investigated accessibility of the categorical referents during discourse comprehension.

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但是,就象前面所讲到的法语句子逐字翻译一样,前面所提到的手语句子是完全合文法的。Yet, as is the case with the French sentences translated word-for-word earlier, the aforementioned ASL sentence is perfectly grammatical.

采用眼动记录法探讨了广告信息的认知加工特点。Using ASL 501 Model eye-tracker system, the study investigated the characteristics of the cognitive processing of Advertisement information.

会话层向上层应用提供发送和接受消息的接口,传输层负责消息的封装和分发。ASL provides interfaces to send and receive message for upper applications, and MTL responds to the encapsulation and distribution of messages.