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朝鲜李朝在中国保存下来的档案文书弥足珍贵。The documental files of Korea's Li Dynasty retained in China are of great treasure.

为此本文提出了一种基于文档聚类的网络辅助浏览技术。So the paper puts forward an Internet browsing assisted technology based on documental clustering.

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这种现象在现代文学作品、公文事务、报刊里反映得尤为突出。This phenomenon is reflected in modem literature works, documental affairs, newspapers and journals specially.

大量文献记载足以说明此时“重孝”之风的普遍性和社会性。A host of documental records clearly shows the universality and sociality of laying stress on filial piety at that time.

联机编目、书目文献的揭示方法、书目情报系统是科学整合的结晶。On-line cataloging, revealing method of documental catalogue and the catalogue information system are results of scientific restructure.

公安院校从1986年开设公安文献检索课,20年来在教学、师资建设和教材编写等方面取得了宝贵的经验。Police colleges began to offer the police documental retrieval course in 1986. In the last 20 years, police education has been formalized.

简要阐述了信息技术革命对我国图书馆文献资源建设所产生的深刻影响。This paper discusses briefly the deep influence of information technology revolutionary on the construction of documental resources of China.

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手机短信中非公文事务型短信蕴含着丰富的修辞技巧和美学韵味,因此备受大众欢迎。Non- documental messages over mobile phones which contain abundant rhetoric techniques and aesthetic implication, are very popular with people.

采用文献计量学方法,对节水农业文献数据库涉及的388种专题期刊进行统计、分析。Aathor used the method of documentary metrology, counted and analysed 388species subject serial of documental data base in water-saving agriculture.

采用文献计量学方法,对节水农业文献数据库涉及的388种专题期刊进行统计、分析。Author used the method of documentary metrology, counted and analysed 388 species subject serial of documental data base in water-saving agriculture.

在研究过程中综合运用了文献法、问卷调查法、观察法、访谈法等。During the course of studying, documental method, questionnaire investigation method, observation method, interview method and so on are used synthetically.

另可依照知识流承载介面的不同,分为面谈交流,书面交流,以及资讯科技交流三类。They can also be categorized by various knowledge flow interfaces as face-to-face communication, documental platforms, and information technology platforms.

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档案、著述、舆图、碑刻、谱牒等各类满文古籍文献的史料价值和研究价值,历来为学术界所公认。It has been accepted that the ancient Manchu literatures such as documental files, books, tablet inscription and family tree have essential value in research.

广告的科学性与艺术性之争渊源有自,世人对奥格威和伯恩巴克存在的误读是这一争论产生的根本原因。This paper reviewed the origin and development of the famous debate on the scientific or artistic attribute of advertising with a documental research approach.

采用文献资料、社会调查等方法,对2008年奥运会帆船帆板比赛对举办城市青岛市群众体育的影响进行了研究。The documental material and social investigation methods were used to study the effect of 2008 Olympic sailing game on the mass sports of the host city-Qingdao.

图书馆基于馆藏文献资源建设,对捐赠文献的质量控制,引发图书馆与捐赠者在捐赠行为细节上的矛盾。On base of documental resources construction, the quality controls that library refers to the donations, cause the business between library and donators on details.

本文通过问卷调查、访谈和查阅文献的方法对藏族大学生的文化认同状况进行了调查研究。The present research, through the questionnaire, interview and documental review, investigates the present situation of Tibetan college students? cultural identity.

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这些文献可以分为两大类,一类重点研究逆向选择理论,另一类则探讨逆向选择问题的解决方法。Relevant documental materials can be classified into two groups—one concerning adverse selection theory and the other focusing on the solution of this sort of issue.

在纺织器材企业引入ISO9000标准将使管理更科学化、系统化、文件化、制度化,全面提升管理水平。The introduction of ISO9000 standard in textile equipment enterprises will make the management more scientific, systematic, documental and advanced in overall level.

另外,作者对大量资料和文献的驾驭能力、分析与观察问题的独特视角以及通过这些所展示出来的社会学或人类学方法,也充分奠定了此书的重要地位。In addition, the author give great expression about his ability to dealing with the large amounts of documental data and to analyzing and observing with unique perspective.