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那么加里波第呢?And Garibaldi?

雄性红鱼负责建造巢穴。It's the male garibaldi who makes the nest.

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几分钟后,我们拐入一条与加里波第大街平行的巷子。A few minutes later we turned onto a lane parallel to Garibaldi.

在民族国家发展的历史上,加里波第和他的千人军书写了最富有戏剧性的篇章。And no episode was more dramatic than that of Garibaldi and his mille.

遵循上述规则,加里巴蒂发现的六种旗帜模式可被定义为With those rules in mind, the six flag patterns Garibaldi uncovered can be defined as follows

六国赛中,意大利和法国一战的胜者将夺得加里波第杯。The Giuseppe Garibaldi trophy is awarded to the winner of the Six Nations match between Italy and France.

就在那一刻,一个年轻人骑着自行车出现在加里波第大街,外衣被大风吹起拍打着后背。At that instant, a young man turned up Garibaldi on a bicycle, his overcaot whipping behind him like a cape.

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然而政府发现这点难以实行。原因在最近由两位经济学家—蒂托·伯瑞和皮罗·嘉瑞保蒂所做的研究调查中展现的淋漓尽致。One reason the government finds this hard is made clear in a recent study by two economists, Tito Boeri and Pietro Garibaldi.

加里巴蒂好心的把他的程序发送给我,并被我用来以最常见的六种星星布局为基础进行国旗模式交互计算。Garibaldi kindly sent me his code, which I used to make this interactive flag calculator based on the six most common star configurations

搭上203公共汽车我一个人来到圣-弗朗多,进了加里波第大街已近午夜,天寒地冻,万籁俱寂。I returned to San Fernando alone on the No. 203 bus and walked up Garibaldi Street. It was close to midnight now and freezing cold. All was silent.

我希望停一辆车在加里波第大街,撑起引擎盖,装作出熄火的样子,这样艾希曼回家时才能从旁边经过。I wanted one of the cars, the Mercedes, positioned on Garibaldi Street, hood up as if disabled, so that Attila would pass directly by it en route home.

当我们开车前往西南部的家时,在车里,有我的妻子,两个小女儿,两条狗,玛士撒拉和加里波第。We were traveling to visit family in the southwestern part of the state. In the car were my wife, my two young daughters, and our two dogs, Methuselah and Garibaldi.

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袭击发生在凌晨4点刚过,这家从贝德福德郡远道而来观看利物浦比赛的家族,从市中心加里波第广场的酒吧出来后就被跟踪。The attack happened shortly after 4am when the family, from Bedfordshire and in town for tonight's Liverpool game, were followed from a bar in the Piazza Garibaldi in the city centre.