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哇噢!我的上衣!嘻嘻!Oops! My top! Tee hee!

他的角色被演得出神入化。He acted his part to a tee.

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这件文化衫多少钱?How much does this tee shirt cost?

他开球第一杆就未击中。He duffed his drive off the first tee.

我喜欢圆领文化衫。I like the tee shirts without a collar.

杰克开球第一杆就未击中球。Jack duffed his drive off the first tee.

一个褪色的弹力牛仔布?A printed tee with faded stretch denim jean?

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该关闭的第八洞发球台的挑战是显而易见的。The challenge off the eighth tee is evident.

我记得站在那个T台时的激动劲。I remember the thrill of standing on that tee.

教授什么时候开他的法律课程?When will the professor tee off his law course?

第一个老家伙走到发球区,打了一杆。The first old man stepped up to the tee and hit.

一天,彼得想搭地铁去天河城。One day, Peter wants to take the subway to Tee Mall.

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果岭的风通常是从右边的缺口吹过来。The wind normally comes from right side, the 6 th tee.

大家可以在牧民朋友的家里,尝尝酥油茶,休息一下。We can drink ghee tee at the herds' homes to have a rest.

情侣装可以分开购买,只买男生或者只买女生的。Couple tee can be separately buy. Buy either boy or girls.

他从球座上挥出的长打几乎都是既远又准。His drives off the tee are almost invariably long and true.

他走得非常艰难,因为果岭要比发球处地势高些。It was a tough walk because the green was higher than the tee.

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西蒙·迪达勒斯把眼角那么一吊,学他学得可像哩。Simon dedalus takes him off to a tee with his eyes screwed up.

在他紧握着的肥胖爪子里,香烟看起来就像高尔夫球座的顶端。It looks like the point of a golf tee in his fat, clenched paw.

我们今天下午两点去高尔夫球场打球吧。Let'sgo to the golf course this afternoon and tee off at 2o'clock.