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巴伯里用口哨吹一支罗士兰渔民歌曲。Barbary whistled a Ronssllon fisherman 's song.

他们甚至创建了巴巴里国—一个海盗帝国。They even created the Barbary States, a pirate empire.

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巴巴拉在奥伯里工作,每天得坐公共汽车去上班。Barbary was working in Aubury, where she went daily in a bus.

然而,直布罗陀的实权似乎操控在叟猴手上。However, it seems the real power lies in the hands of the Barbary Apes.

从那以后,巴巴利希望搬到伦敦,他们的第二人生的浪漫爱情将在那儿继续下去。From there, Barbary hopes to move to London, where their Second Life romance can continue.

最终,法国政府同意帮助并与巴巴里海盗展开了战争。Finally the government of France agreed to help and went to war against the Barbary corsairs.

一些巴巴里海盗前往拉丁美洲的西印度群岛,并在海地岛上建立海盗基地。Some of the Barbary corsairs sailed to the West Indies and set up a pirate base on the island of Haiti.

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这些巴巴里海盗是非常强悍的海盗团体,对于航运业是极大的威胁。These Barbary corsairs were a very strong group of pirates and were like terrorists to the shipping industry.

他还派出海军舰队对抗巴巴里海盗,因为他们骚扰美国在地中海域的商业。He also sent a naval squadron to fight the Barbary pirates, who were harassing American commerce in the Mediterranean.

那艘载着迪克的猫的船航行了好长一段时间。有一天这艘船被一阵强风吹到巴巴利国的海岸。The ship bearing Dick's cat sailed for a long time. One day the ship was driven to the shore of Barbary by a strong wind.

米娜一直以来都是素食主义者,起初她很恼火,在她去旧金山巴巴多斯地区的途中一直需要强迫进食。Having been a vegetarian, she was plenty mad at first and had to be force fed on her way to San Francisco's Barbary Coast.

巴巴利海盗曾让人闻风丧胆,常常受雇于穆斯林国家,在地中海地区对基督教国家的船只进行袭击。Barbary pirates were a fearsome group often "hired" by Muslim nations to attack Christians ships in the Mediterranean region.

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1830年,法国占领了巴巴里海盗的权利中心,这标志着这些海盗在地中海活动的时期成为过去。In 1830 France captured the Barbary corsair bases and this put an end to the reign of these pirates in the Mediterranean Sea.

而这时,巴巴利亚由于妒忌婕希贝尔,夺走了艾玛法罗的白珍珠,化为婕希贝尔的容貌,来到了弗雷德身边。And then, barbary and jealousy was appointed because bell, took the BaiZhenZhu Emma faroe, gem and bell looks into, came to Fred side.

虽然是第一次亲眼看见肖恩。巴巴利。阿拉姆已经在网上的虚拟世界与他结婚,开始了他们的第二人生。Though meeting Sean Barbary in person for the first time, Allam was already married to him in the online virtual world of Second Life.

当她到达巴巴多斯地区时,这个地区非常糟糕,连吸血鬼都不敢出来。她一直躲在地下很长时间。When she arrived, the Barbary Coast was so bad that even vampires were afraid to come out, and she stayed underground for a long time.

一群南非人忍受住了撒哈拉沙漠几个月艰难的跋涉和严格的外交从法属西非来索取几近神话般的巴巴里鸵鸟。A group of South Africans endured months of Saharan treks and stiff diplomacy to claim the near-mythic Barbary Ostrich from French West Africa.

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与此同时,已在第二人生结婚的阿拉姆和巴巴利,第二次见面就决定计划在现实生活中一起过新年。Meanwhile, married Second Life couple Allam and Barbary plan to spend New Year's together in real life, only the second time they will have met.

从北非海岸到东沙,神护佑着军团年复一年,剑闪神光,枪燃圣芒,赤手空拳亦有上帝的力量。But for each of those and one year more, God has smiled upon The corps, from the Barbary Coast to the Eastern Sand, by sword, by gun, or by bare hand.

当时,托马斯.杰斐逊拒绝向巴巴里统治者支付赎金,为了保障美国船只不被袭击,他派出一只年轻的海军炮轰第黎波第。Thomas Jefferson refused to pay off the Barbary rulers so that American ships would not be attacked and sent a young American Navy to bombard Tripoli.