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圆柱形小灯更映衬了罗曼蒂克的情调。Cylindrical little light more set off the sentiment that Luo Mandi overcomes.

七月,契约之展,由壹霖的这十七幅作品逐一呈现。In July, Mandi 's collection including seventeen paintings will show you the spirit of contract.

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十几年前,壹霖开始狂走偏僻村落,收罗地契古书。Many years ago, Mandi went around in those villages out of the way collecting title deed for land.

今天,大市场营销时代,医药行业涌现了大批的专业人才和新生力量!Nowadays, in the mandi era, a large number of expert and new fresh troop emerge prominently in pharmaceuticals industry.

正是威利26岁的妹妹曼迪奥斯汀提出了让艾登卖画来支付治疗费用的主意。Wylie's sister Mandi Ostein, 26, was the one who came up with the idea to help pay the bills by selling Aidan's artwork.

还有极富浪漫色彩的紫色,是制造罗曼蒂克情调最好的帮手。Still have purple of extremely rich romantic colorific, it is to make Luo Mandi overcome the helper with best emotional appeal.

中国地理状况严重不适合罗曼蒂克行动的实施,此乃软肋之二。Chinese geographical condition does not suit what Luo Mandi overcomes the action badly to carry out, this is soft costal region.

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有媒体称,霍利·曼迪森已经离开赫夫纳的大宅,并公开声明已经和赫夫纳分手。Some media said that Houley · the Mandi woods already left Hevenor's big dwelling, and the public statement already bid good-bye with Hevenor.

在被诊断患有精神分裂症11年之后,玛丽塔的女儿曼迪饱受剧烈头疼之苦,并开始时常毫无缘由地栽倒在地。Eleven years after being diagnosed with schizophrenia, Marita’s daughter Mandi experienced severe headaches and began to fall over for no reason.

穆里尼奥使用了他的常规首发阵容,如卡西利亚斯,拉莫斯,阿贝罗阿和厄齐尔,另外还有巴勃罗-吉尔和曼迪这两位卡斯蒂利亚球员也进入了首发名单。Mourinho used regular starters such as Casillas, Ramos, Arbeloa and Ozil, as well as Castilla players like Pablo Gil and Mandi in his initial lineup.