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人们把他看成一个恶棍的成见已无法改变。He was stereotyped a villain.

没有剧情,没有特色,大多都是公式化。No plot, bno features. Many are stereotyped !

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它的诉诸同情的方法不能一成不变。Its pleadings will not bear to be stereotyped.

我们对神时常持有偏见的认识。We often have a stereotyped expectation of God.

她经常用同样的动作来晃动一串珠子。She often shook a string of beads in a stereotyped way.

帮助孩子克服老套、定型的家庭角色的观念。Help children overcome ideas about stereotyped family roles.

她们有自己那套固定不变的笑容和时新风度。They have their stereotyped smile and their fashionable manner.

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教师往往对调皮学生抱有成见。Teachers tend to have stereotyped opinions about naughty pupils.

附加到原始构造型元素上的注释将会得到添加。A note attached to the original stereotyped element will be added.

而写党八股的人们,却总是想写给许多人看的。And those who produce stereotyped Party writing always seek large audiences.

刻板的行为无法适应于具体问题。Stereotyped behavior is not adapted to the exigencies of individual problems.

据李银河分析,其中的主要原因在于“性”这个词在人们的印象中带有贬义。The reason, Li said, was that the word was stereotyped with negative meanings.

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在大脑中,电突触的传导速度是非常快的,而且形式相当固定。In the brain, electrical synaptic transmission is rapid and rather stereotyped.

在叛徒形象塑造上,脸谱化和模式化是其主要的书写策略。The main writing strategy to create traitors has a strong stereotyped tendency.

“系统家具”全部是板式家具,而且往往没有定型的款式。"system furniture" all type of furniture, but are often not stereotyped models.

但到后来就产生了洋八股、洋教条。Later on, however, foreign stereotyped writing and foreign dogma came into being.

应制词在具体技法上显得单调程式化。The Under-ordered Ci was monotonic and stereotyped in the sense of concrete practice.

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然后点击构造型元素并将鼠标拖拉到图表的空白区域。Then click the stereotyped element and drag the cursor to a blank area of the diagram.

像鸟类这样的动物被看成是只能作出套路动作的自动机械。Animals like birds were viewed as lovely automata capable only of stereotyped activity.

我们的思想懒汉不少,讲现话、空话的多。We have not a few ideological sluggards who indulge in empty talk or stereotyped phrases.