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又有哪些能幸运地发芽。And who could sprout up so blessedly.

水深得要命,我和树熊象石头一样沉到底。The water was blessedly deep and we went down like stones.

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如果说当初我们只是很快地看了一眼这个即将到来的“革命”,那么现在它终于带着神的意旨到来了。The revolution we had fleetingly glimpsed had finally – blessedly – arrived.

远在我们对祂有丝毫认识以前,祂就完完全全认识了我们。This was most blessedly perfect long before we had the slightest knowledge of him.

他们是真正教人如何快乐幸福地生活的老师。They were true teachers about how to live blissfully and go through life blessedly.

任何被阿弥陀佛拯救的人,会说念阿弥陀佛可以幸福地免除各种阻碍。Anyone who is saved by Amida and says the nembutsu is blessedly free from all hindrances.

虽然轮船上不见老鼠,但一种奇怪的疾病却在乘客中散播。Though the ship was blessedly free of rats, a strange plague nonetheless struck its passengers.

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但是,要学习这功课,是需要花时间的,为着这个,神要大大的祝福报答你!But oh to learn the lesson that it needs time, and that that time will be most blessedly rewarded!

瞧,迎面走来的是一位聪颖、性感、买杂货的非常普通的女性,然而,她却能够拯救威廉王子和整个皇室家族。Here comes the smart, sexy, grocery-buying, blessedly normal commoner who could save William—and the royal family.

库斯托的电影和书籍可以使海洋看起来象一处无边无际的仙境,充满了生命和神圣安宁的孤境。Cousteau's films and books could make the ocean seem like a boundless and bountiful wonderland, bursting with life and blessedly isolated.

在内心,那是诸神赐予又收回的一件礼物,被认为是应得的,十分幸福的,可转念一想,发现是不足的。INSIDE it is a gift from the gods, bestowed and withdrawn. It is being found blessedly deserving, and then, on second thought, found wanting.

她喜欢这里的风光,喜欢这里的山峦、峡谷、鲜红的岩石、火红的旷野、令人感到心旷神怡的奇异而美妙的湖泊,甚至连这里酷热的气候她也喜欢。She loved the scenery, the hills and canyons of garishly red rock, the burning deserts, the unexpected and blessedly refreshing lakes, even the heat.

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每个看到他们的人都想触摸他们,与他们交谈,对他们微笑.他们是真正教人如何快乐幸福地生活的老师。Everyone who saw them wanted to touch them, talk to them and smile at them. They were true teachers about how to live blissfully and go through life blessedly.

步行、慢跑、游泳、踏板——所需的确切运动量或运动强度还不确定,但似乎是令人庆幸的低。Walk, jog, swim, pedal — the exact amount or intensity of the exercise required has not been determined, although it appears that the minimum is blessedly low.

热切矛盾的弦乐伴奏和原本那种湿乎乎的情歌的缺失给他们所谓的“成熟”带来了大大的疑问,但是这些作品还是显示出了他们在经验方面惊人的进步。Applying the dubious word "mature" is open for heated debate string arrangements and soppy ballads are blessedly absent but the music definitely reflects a sharp increase in experience.

伊夫舍姆是一座古老的集镇,拥有肥沃的土地,小镇周围的田野里到处都是活动房屋,分拣包装得工人就住在活动房屋里,他们分拣包装的东西有芦笋、豌豆和卷心菜。The fields around Evesham, an ancient market town with blessedly lush soil, are dotted with caravans and Portakabins, housing workers who pick and pack everything from asparagus to peas and cabbages.