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但我要强调的是,我们不仅重返,而且会留下来。But I want to underscore that we are back to stay.

在默认情况下,分隔符是下划线字符。By default, the separator is an underscore character.

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我要强调这份决议的重要性。I want to underscore the importance of this decision.

请注意,在呈现模板时,要去掉下划线。Notice that you leave the underscore off when rendering a template.

可以用双下划线分隔探测名中的单词。You can separate words within the probe name using a double underscore.

这两节课都强调了对自由教育的重要性。Both lessons underscore the critical importance of educating for liberty.

甚至国家驾照考试里也有题目对潜在危险予以特别强调。Even questions on the national driving exam underscore the potential peril.

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标识符的其他字符必须是字母,数字或下划线。All other characters in an identifier must be letters, digits, or the underscore.

开始和结束标记带有下划线用于阻止意外的字符串匹配。Start and end each token with an underscore to prevent accidental string matches.

我要强调这一任务的重要性以及我个人对此的承诺。I want to underscore the importance of this task, and my personal commitment to it.

Kirby无疑在电影中已经表达了这个观点,但我还是想强调一下它的重要性。Kirby certainly states this in the film, but I’d like to underscore its importance.

对于这个约定,构成服务名的单词使用下划线分隔。In this convention, the words in the name of a service are separated by an underscore.

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甚至国家驾照考试里也有题目对潜在危险予以特别强调。Even questions on the national driving exam underscore the potential peril. For example

这样的例子强调了为什么人们争先恐后地开发地图技术。Such examples underscore why campaigners are rushing to make the most of map technology.

不太理想的结果突出了美国与肥胖斗争的挑战。The less-than-perfect results underscore the challenge in fighting America's obesity problem.

这个不那么严肃的奖项更能看出2006年世界头号选手的实力。This light-hearted award helps underscore just how dominant the World No. 1 player was in 2006.

他一直把亚马逊的价值称作一个长期增长的游戏,他的行为也证明了这一点。He has long touted the company's value as a long-term growth play. His actions underscore the words.

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旧约和新约中的一些事件凸显了圣洁对于信徒的重要性。Several incidents in the Old and New Testaments underscore the importance of holiness to the believer.

因为我想强调,历经这么多风雨,我从没怀疑过自己对妻子的感情。Because I want to underscore that throughout all these events, I never doubted my feelings for my wife.

在删除下划线之后,当然就可以使一切正常工作了,正如您在本文中所看到的。After removing the underscore we of course got everthing working well, which you've seen in this article.