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伟大,伟大,浩气贯苍穹。Is greater yet.

如果拉力很大Well, if it was greater.

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其中一只猫叫得声音更大。One cat has a greater mew.

因为父是比我大的。My Father is greater than I.

那崇敬是超过了你的夜鸣莺。is greater than nightingales.

较大者包含较小者。The greater includes the less.

又是一门好炮弹!Greater direct shot range, too.

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更难发生反应。Greater resistance to reactivity.

我再引述他另一句更长的话。Let me quote him in greater length.

你会了解有自制力多美好。You know have greater self-control.

价值发现——要么等更大的傻瓜Finding value -- or the greater fool

对吗,熵的变化dS大于热量dq除以温度。T That dS is greater than dq over T.

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罪莫大焉。There is no greater crime than this.

屋外的风越吹越大。Outside the greater the wind blowing.

成绩比预期的大。The success is greater than expected.

奥孔库沃的恐惧比这些更重要。Okonkwo's fear was greater than these.

换句话说就是dS大于dq除以。T Namely dS is greater than dq over T.

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你将要看见比这更大的事。You shall see greater things than that.

比我小的时候多多了Far greater than I was when I was a boy.

科技是一个更大的干扰。Technology is an even greater intrusion.