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罗杰·马里斯1961年时击出61支全垒打,使得别的球员脸上无光。Maris put other players to shame when he hit 61 home runs in 1961.

罗杰·马里斯1961年时击出61支全垒打,使得别的球员脸上无光。Roger Maris put other players to shame when he hit 61 home runs in 1961.

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马里斯太平洋海图被认为是最早的太平洋海图的印刷版本。The Maris Pacifici is believed to be the first printed map of the Pacific.

了不起的美国击球手罗杰·马里斯在棒球场上异乎寻常地镇定。The great Yankee Hitter Roger Maris was unusually calm on the baseball field.

尽管受到莎克·蒂的积极影响,玛丽斯还是心怀向维德寻仇的强烈欲望。Despite Shaak Ti's positive influence, Maris harbored a strong desire for revenge against Vader.

作为白垩玛丽斯管理的第一家连锁店,自1975年来,玛丽斯酒店就活跃在希腊酒店业。Maris Hotels have been active since 1975, with the operation of the first hotel of the chain, Creta Maris.

我们有幸在白垩玛丽斯接待了诸多莅临克里特岛的中国代表团。We have had the honour of hosting in Creta Maris many official Chinese delegations visiting Crete. Among them, Mr.

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一个早晨,当回到她的村庄,斯特拉回家发现她的黑猫已经被绑架。One morning, on returning to her village, Stella Maris gets home to discover that her black cat has been kidnapped.

帕尔帕廷发布66号指令后,玛丽斯及其师父在外环领土,因此没有马上受到大清洗的影响。When Palpatine issued Order 66, Maris and her Master were in the Outer Rim Territories and thus not immediately affected by the Purge.

1961年,在单一赛季期间纽约美国人罗杰马力斯击中了他的第61个本垒打,打破了贝比鲁斯的60本垒打。In 1961, Roger Maris of the New York Yankees hit his 61st home run during a 162-game season, compared to Babe Ruth's 60 home runs during a 154-game season.

吉娜和托尔,两个当地的岛民-玛丽斯不知道除了服侍来访的翔人以外他们还做些什么-正在着陆区待命。Gina and Tor, two of the local land-bound— Maris didn't know what they did when they weren't caring for visiting flyers—were on duty out on the landing spit.