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他满腔热忱地从事工作。He took up his pursuit with ardor.

希望,曾用马刺煽旺你的热情。Hope, whose spur fanned your ardor into flame.

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他对新老事物抱有同样的热情。he embraces the old and the new with equal ardor.

但是,同样的热情,使他的职业生涯可能将他打倒。But that same ardor that made his career could be his undoing.

运动和革命热情被当作精神健康的良方。Sports and revolution ardor were recommended for mental health.

我开始带着某种狂热追踪专栏作家的文章。I began tracking the columnists’ pronouncements with some ardor.

如果她回赠他一束紫丁香,表明他的热诚得到了回应。If the ardor was returned, she might send him a bouquet of lilacs.

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然而,“降温屋顶”的倡导者的热情也引发了一些民意反弹。Still, the ardor of the cool-roof advocates has prompted a bit of a backlash.

投资者过分热衷中国新股的事例不难找到。Such examples of excessive investor ardor for new Chinese stocks aren't hard to find.

当他知道她曾与好几个男人出去时,他的心凉了半截。When he knew that she had been going out with several other men, it cooled his ardor.

当我偶然得知他还和其他女孩子出去时,我的心凉了半截。He cooled my ardor when I happened to know that he was also going out with other girls.

管理学是我最喜欢的科目,为此我投入了巨大的热情与努力。Business administration is my favourite subject, into which I poured great ardor and efforts.

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有着热情的工作态度,积极向上的进取精神,待人真诚,工作学习认真负责。With an ardor for work and an active energy , also pure-hearted walks , withal a very earnest.

呵,今天早上可真凉爽,习习微风煽动着我们心中的热情。Haw-haw , it is very cool this morning. The nice and cool wind stirs up the ardor of our hearts.

学习并非偶得的,必得是用热诚寻找和勤勉出席。Learning is not attained by chance, it must be sought for with ardor and attended to with diligence.

我,诚恳,热情,博学多才,一定会对您学习中文,了解中国历史文化提供最有力的协助!I'm honest ardor eruditely very much! For you I'm sure I can offer most vigorous assist! talk later !

她们说最难掌握的是脚法的练习,但是通过艰苦的训练和热情,你会在一年左右的时间内舞动起来。Foot stomping is the trickiest to learn, they say, but hard work and ardor will get you dancing in a year or so.

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一天傍晚拉蒙迪来到爱伦的房间,表白了自己的爱意,流露出了一个陷入爱河的艺术家的温柔和炽热情感。One evening Ramonti stopped in Helen's room and told his love with the tenderness and ardor of the enraptured artist.

他本来打算跟她结婚的。但是他知道她跟几个人关系混乱后,心凉了半截。He was thinking of marrying her. But when he knew that Sue had been going out with several other men, it cooled his ardor.

妈妈称她为“冷热小美女,”很久以前就因女儿突然失去了热情而感到刺痛。“Little Miss Hot and Cold, ” her mother called her, long ago having been stung by the abrupt loss of her daughter’s ardor.