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你选了22吗Ryan You chose 22?

你是瑞恩?洛吗,-是的You are Ryan Lowe? -Yeah.

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只有雷恩有胆量说破。Only Ryan has the guts to say it.

梅格·瑞安或者卡梅龙·迪埃兹有什么新片?How about Meg Ryan or Cameron Diaz?

我们没时间等,瑞安,你是知道的。There was no time, Ryan. You know that.

我开着车来到克丽丝的办公室接莱恩。I drove to Kris’ office to pick up Ryan.

好的,瑞恩·洛,请讲You are Ryan Lowe, okay. Good, go ahead.

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西克雷斯特的私人厨师呢?What about Ryan Seacrest's personal chef?

雷恩在电影开演后偷溜进场。Ryan snuck into the movie after it started.

我感觉莱恩将来会在理财方面做得不错。I get the sense that Ryan will do just fine.

同时,瑞安也得克服他的恐高症。Meanwhile, Ryan also suffers from acrophobia.

这是吉格斯对曼联电视的曼迪。亨利说的。Ryan Giggs was talking to MUTV's Mandy Henry.

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明年雷昂上幼儿园。Ryan will be starting kindergarten next year.

那么为什么你会那么怕雷恩和莎佩呢?So, why are you so afraid of Ryan and Sharpay?

刚刚雷恩和莎佩唱的歌是你写的?You wrote the song Ryan and Sharpay just sang?

至于Ryan和Sharpy,一点点小坏也是那么可爱的。As for Ryan and Sharpy, a little bad is so lovely.

他最亲近的朋友是埃里克·文特,而非里安·罗切特。Erik Vendt, not Ryan Lochte, is his closest friend

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瑞安·里色尔第一次接触柔道,只有五岁。Ryan Reser first got involved in judo at age five.

吉格斯在普莱德公园的表现不令人意外。Ryan Giggs's display at Pride Park was exceptional.

瑞安·菲勒是谷歌街景视图的项目总监。Ryan Falor, project manager of Google's Street View.