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我就喜欢你说些性变态的话。I love you when you talk kinky.

把一整卷粘毛器都黏上卷曲的私密毛发。Stick kinky pubes on a lint roller.

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我总觉得男穿女装是很奇怪的。I ve always thought drag queens were kinky.

一把刀子转换成鞭子,它是如何弯曲的呢?A sword that turns into a whip, how kinky is that?

今天我给男朋友发了条黄段子。Today, I sent a kinky text message to my boyfriend.

这些物品有的很有趣,有的很伤感,也有些很怪诞。The items are sometimes bizarre, funny, sad, or kinky.

那部影片里有不少性行径镜头,可是没有变态的。There's lots of straight sex in the film, but nothing kinky.

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我的小猫,纠结的,最近转一而且举行他拥有小生日党。My kitty, Kinky , recently turned one and had his own little birthday party.

其中最好的挑逗海报所有时间的推移,这种形象的喜剧演员淫办公室性。One of the best teaser posters of all time, this image smacks of kinky office sex.

黑暗中,一个舞男纽约市的地下世界是残酷的,因为它是淫。The dark, underground world of a New York City gigolo is as cutthroat as it is kinky.

在黑人社会,长长的直发通常被认为比短的卷发漂亮。In the black community, long, straight hair is often considered more beautiful than short kinky hair.

我决定为他穿上我最性感的内衣,我挑了个情趣护士制服穿上了,然后开车去了他家。I decided to wear my sexiest outfit for him so I put on my kinky nurse outfit and drove over to his house.

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从泄漏的小说内容中来看,范德比尔特的文字对变态性行为那毫不含蓄的描写足以让人面红耳赤。The leaks showed that Vanderbilt's prose spares no one's blushes in its explicit descriptions of kinky sex.

当谈到性怪癖,人们通常想到的是发生在别人床上的事儿。When it comes to sex, what we consider kinky is usually everything that happens in other people's bedrooms.

正如我列出的名作所说明的那样,浪漫,俏丽和令人不安的欲望之间通常是很难分辨的。The romantic, the saucy and the disturbingly kinky are often hard to tell apart as my list gently illustrates.

泰国,美属丰满的维尔京玉枷锁奥马尔不知道她在为她的采访时,在淫诊所。Voluptuous, Thai, bondage virgin Jade Amor has no idea what she's in for when she interviews at the Kinky Clinic.

寂寞的梧桐锁住了清秋的梦,你用最温柔的文字抚摸我微凉的心情,让我去懂你纠结的心疼,纹理分明。Lonely Indus lock kiyoaki 's dream, with your tender words touch me cool feeling, let me know you kinky love, texture clear.

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很少有人可以像他那样将性的动力如此凝聚在一起的,用他的话来说,就是使人体摄影“稍微曲卷和怪异”。Strangely for someone whose work can pack such an erotic charge. Bitesnich insists he wants to make the nude body "less kinky ".

还因为我有些古怪、伤残、粗俗,这一切都与我有关,都是重要原因。It’s also because I’m kinky and disabled and loud about all of it, because all of it’s related for me, and all of it’s important.

我老公对兔女郎和孕妇有一种情结,所以我把这两者结合起来拍出了相当奇怪的效果。My husband has a thing for maids and pregnant women, so I figured I would combine the two and do a really kinky shoot–just in time for Christmas.