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翠鸟和新干线高速列车The Kingfisher and the Shinkansen Train

澳大利亚高声大叫的翠鸟。Australian kingfisher having a loud cackling cry.

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翠鸟还需要更多的资金。Further out Kingfisher needs to raise lots of equity.

在所有咖喱饭盛行之处,都有翠丰啤酒的销路。Kingfisher beer is popular wherever spicy curries are eaten.

马尔雅很快给翠鸟航空增加了一款奢华的商务舱。Mr. Mallya quickly added a lavish business class to Kingfisher.

她受惊的时候,就像一只一声不响地急投疾枪的翠鸟。When she was frightened she darted noiselessly like a kingfisher.

顾名思义,钓鱼郎是天生的捕鱼者,懂得潜进水中捕捉猎物。Kingfisher is built to fish. It dives into water to catch its prey.

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一只白领翡翠鸟在孟加拉国巽达班斯红树林里整理羽毛。A collared kingfisher preens in the Sundarbans mangrove forest of Bangladesh.

翠丰集团证实,它希望在接下来的两周内谈妥一笔交易。Kingfisher confirmed that it hopes to tie up a deal within the next two weeks.

翠鸟象箭似的由水面上擦过去,小鱼大鱼都不见了,水上只剩下浮萍。A kingfisher flashed across the water, the fish vanished, leaving the duckweed.

16年前当本森被放置到翠鸟湖区时,她是一条正常大小的鲤鱼。Benson was a normal-size carp when she was placed in Kingfisher Lake 16 years ago.

我看见一只翠鸟一闪而过,一头巨蜥在芦苇丛中走过。I saw a flash of kingfisher blue. A monitor lizard paddled away through the reeds.

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有的时候,翠鸟的羽毛和宝石,丝绸,香料一样值钱。At times, kingfisher feathers have achieved the status of gemstones, silk, and spices.

一只蓝色的翠鸟向下俯冲,扎入河水,如镜的水面立刻破碎,闪烁着翠色的荧光。An azure kingfisher dips and dives, flashing fluoro blue as it breaks the mirrored surface.

于是他意识到,他的女人是什么梦想的李子树和男孩的翠鸟。So he realized that the woman he dreamed of was the plum tree and the boy was the kingfisher.

我伸着左掌,掌上立着一只极其纤小的翠鸟。I stretched out my left out, and on the palm I saw that there was a tiny exquisite kingfisher.

一个绣的是荷花和翠鸟,那一个绣的是一只凤凰站在石山上。One was embroidered with a lotus and a kingfisher. The other was a phoenix, perched on a rock.

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翠鸟是一种埋伏式的捕猎者,它会栖息在河流上方的树枝上仔细观察,一旦有小鱼游过自己的攻击范围内,它就会垂直俯冲下去,抓住鱼,然后飞回树枝上。The kingfisher is an ambush hunter, perching over a river until a small fish flicks into range.

一道铁蓝色的闪光——这就是人们对普通翠鸟最通常的认识。A flash of electric blue—that's as intimately as most people will ever know the common kingfisher.

捷特航空公司和翠鸟这两家印度第一和第二大的公司在之前的交易中损失惨重。Both Jet Airways, the biggest, and Kingfisher itself have burned their fingers doing deals before.