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在未来几年借贷方将会对高风险的投资更加机敏。Lenders will be leery of high risk investments for the next couple of years.

霍姆斯对这个善变又死缠烂打的女人保持了警惕,并只同意电话交流。Leery of this unstable, clingy woman, Ms Homes agrees to speak only on the telephone.

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尽管最近股价有所上扬,但投资者对股市仍应持瞥惕态度。Despite the recent sprint in share prices, investors remain leery of the stock market.

虽然现在你的同事想要坦白,你却对你的老板耍滑头。Although your co-workers are trying to be forthright now, you're leery about your boss.

营销人员总想把事情做得很夸张,这常常会让人们产生反感情绪并对他们的技巧和信息产生怀疑。Marketers tend to overdo things, which makes people sick of them, leery of their methods and message.

过去10年间受到两次股市崩盘打击的数百万普通投资者都对华尔街持怀疑态度。Millions of ordinary investors, burned by two stock-market crashes in the past decade, are leery of Wall Street.

曾经对于把歌曲用于游戏很敏感的音乐家和厂牌们现在都积极配合。Musicians and labels once leery of making songs available digitally for games are now embracing the opportunity.

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这有助于它们在企业安全中通过狡猾的宣传漏洞逃出公司公众眼底。That helps keep them hidden from the public eye by companies leery of publicizing breaches in corporate security.

不仅自闭症患者的父母,还有许多研究人员对过多强调自闭症的强项持有怀疑态度。A number of researchers, as well as parents of autistic people, are leery of too much emphasis on autistic strengths.

凯恩说"安保特工虽然对此十分警惕,但还是允许了,而且总统还觉得这事儿挺酷。"Secret Service was leery about the idea, but they got over it and the president thought it was cool," explained Cann.

正是那对长远基本面的了解,才使我们中间许多人在目前的周期性牛市如此机敏。It's that knowledge of the long-term fundamentals that make so many of us so leery of the current cyclical bull market.

在过去三年中,尼克松已经实行了很多改革,但他对于将注意力过分集中于打学生作为“纠正一切”的措施也表示疑惑。Nixon has instituted many reforms over the last three years, and he's leery of focusing too much on paddling as a "fix-all."

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“我们非常害怕会出现针锋相对的情况,”他补充道,尽管承认说,反中国的言论是“好的政治手段”。“We're very leery of a tit for tat situation,” he added, while acknowledging that the anti-China rhetoric is “good politics.

投资者也不敢全力投资股市,因为股市前景不明朗,而且过去10年就经历了两轮大熊市。Investors are also leery of fully investing in stocks, given the uncertainties and two snarling bear markets in the past decade.

偶可不那么相信这些图表还能在包括计算机科学内的其他领域继续嚣张下去,所以偶在日期上打赌做文章。I’m not as confident those graphs are going to hold up for fields besides computer science, so I’d be leery of betting on a date.

对于那些没有包含什么实际的程序负荷,测试时间不够长的性能测试的结果,一定要非常当心。Be very leery of the results of any performance measurement that does not involve a realistic program load over a long period of time.

放款人就足够对开户人没有信用历史,因为他们根本没有任何基础,你的可靠性。Lenders are leery about opening accounts for people with no credit history because they simply have nothing to base your reliability on.

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中国劳动力价格的增加以及货币的增强也令汽车制造商警惕不要过分依赖中国可发运的部件。China's rising labor costs and strengthening currency are also making automakers leery of becoming too dependent on China for parts that can be shipped.

无论盈利的数字如何诱人,我们对那些永远也不能把美好的数字变成没有任何附带条件的现金的企业抱有疑虑。However attractive the earnings numbers, we remain leery of businesses that never seem able to convert such pretty numbers into no-strings-attached cash.

对预防男性心脏病发作和女性中风来说,阿司匹林无疑很有用,但专家们越来越怀疑它可能会引起胃出血。This heart hero helps ward off heart attacks in men and strokes inwomen, but experts have become more leery of its ability to causeserious stomach bleeding.