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他父亲是个虔诚的圣徒。His father is a pious confessor.

把你捧在手上,虔诚地焚香。Put you held in the hand, pious incense.

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虔诚的丁梅斯代尔牧师,难道当真是你吗?Pious Master Dimmesdale! can this be you?

那可能只是另一种虔诚的愿望。That may be no more than another pious wish.

但意大利人并不像他们装得那样虔诚。But Italians are less pious than they pretend.

“啊,好吧,”他说,“但是我有的——我的母亲非常的虔诚。"Ah, well, " said he, "but I had--remarkable pious.

他们称需要从自己的正经里去除次经。They said they were important for pious instruction.

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在这样一首严肃的诗中,这是很不合适的。This is wildly inappropriate, I think, in such a pious poem.

沃森是个笃信宗教、明达事理的青年,为人正直。Watson was a pious , sensible young man, of great integrity.

普劳迪夫人是一位极出色的女人,宽厚仁慈,虔诚善良。Prodie is an excellent lady, kind-hearted, charitable, pious.

这可能听上去像是一个抽象或虔诚得让人恼火的请求。That might sound like an irritatingly abstract or pious plea.

表述在虔诚的布道中的支吾可能不再足够。Prevarication couched in pious homilies may no longer suffice.

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杰克父母都信锡克教,他本人更是一个虔诚锡克教徒。Jack 's parents believe in Sikhism, and Jack is a pious follower.

普劳迪夫人是一位极出色的女人,宽厚仁慈,虔诚善良。Mrs. Prodie is an excellent lady, kind-hearted, charitable, pious.

他有些心酸地想,她是个孝顺女儿,但却把他弄得无所适从。A fine pious act, he thought sourly, but it left him at loose ends.

我带着着自己虔诚的心灵在这里寻找可以相守一生的爱人。I took his pious mind may be kept in here looking for love of life.

他在经学院教授圣经,是个虔诚的基督徒。He teaches the Bible in theological schools and is a pious Christian.

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妇人手提祭品,心怀虔敬参拜土地公去!Offerings in hand, a pious woman goes to an earth god temple to worship.

罗马人非常相信,他们是地球上最虔诚的国家。Romans really did believe that they were the most pious nation on earth.

土耳其虔诚的生产者喜欢古兰经中推崇诚实交易的教义。Turkey’s pious producers like the bits in the Koran that favour honest trading.