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“是的”我勉强的承认。“Yes, ” I admit reluctantly.

她勉强地举起手来。She upheld her hand reluctantly.

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她说这些话很勉强。She's speaking reluctantly here.

他勉勉强强地给了她钱。He gave her the money reluctantly.

这位瞅客不甘心地接收了他的丧失。Reluctantly the man accepted his loss.

她勉强地把她的演说删去了一部分。She retrenched her speech reluctantly.

阿布斯先生勉强地来到了谈判桌上。Mr. Abbas came to the table reluctantly.

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海蒂很酷地补一枪,朱很不情愿倒下服软。One more shot, G falls down reluctantly.

他厌恶地离开了暗夜精灵的领地。Reluctantly he departed night elf lands.

他不情愿地雇她为文员。He reluctantly hires her as a file clerk.

当你必须把目光移开时,记得要表现的很不情愿。When you must look away, do so reluctantly.

丹德不情愿地点点头,离开了房间。Darned nodded reluctantly and left the room.

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化了很大的劲,才勉强地把皮子吞了下去。Of great difficulty, reluctantly to the skin.

她父亲勉强地答应了这桩婚姻。Her father reluctantly consented to the marriage.

最终,江很不情愿地拒绝了这个想法。In the end, Jiang reluctantly jettisoned the idea.

母亲不太情愿看着桌子和清洁剂。Mom looks at the table and the Windex reluctantly.

因精力不够故忍痛割爱!So reluctantly must sell due to not enough energy!

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当你该起程回家时,你会依依不舍。When it is time to leave, you will go reluctantly.

调整基准利率情非得已。China only reluctantly adjusts base interest rates.

汤米心不甘情不愿地放下了他的玩具,然后上床睡觉。Tommy reluctantly put down his toys and went to bed.