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这可是我自己想出来的娱乐设备。This is the entertainment gizmo that I want to own.

某天西斯可接到老友DJ吉默打来的电话。One day Sisco got a call from his old friend DJ Gizmo.

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鲁宾说这个小发明甚至能提高你的性生活。Rubin claims the gizmo can even improve your sex life.

幸亏有一项新发明,现候,你只要临危不惧,翩翩起舞就可以了。Thanks to a new gizmo , you now just need to face the music and dance.

忘掉芦草吧,我为你们介绍一种叫“树皮”的革命性玩意。Forget reeds. I present you with this revolutionary gizmo we call bark.

显示切换工具用于定义任意变形工具的位置。The Gizmo Display Toggles are used to define the location of any Transform Gizmo.

为防止偷窃,自行车已安装了保险装置,同时用户需使用信用卡支付部分定金。To deter theft, they are fitted with a security gizmo and users will have to pay a credit-card deposit.

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我们希望通过这个免费服务推广Gizmo,吸引更多的用户,我们的目标是把你所有的朋友、家人和商业伙伴都一网打尽。We want you to tell all of your friends, family and business associates to get Gizmo Project and use the service.

不管怎么说,这种新的小明星录音器将与其他我不喜爱的未用过的昂贵玩意儿一起放在我空置的房间内。In which case the shiny new recorder gizmo will find itself in the spare room with all my other un-used and un-loved expensive crap.

由于空白频段小装置是在整个城市内来回移动,因此其使用的频道也会变化,具体使用哪个频道,取决于这台装置在若干发射机中靠近哪一座。As a white-space gizmo moves around a city, the channels it can use will change, depending on how close it gets to various transmitters.

当一个白色空间小玩意在城市到处移动,它能使用的频道会随着它和众多电视台之间的距离而改变。As a white-space gizmo moves around a city, the channels it can use will change depending on how close it gets to various television stations.

这个独一无二的设备可以用来交流,把它称作时间旅行小发明可以让那些创造以及帮助创造这类艺术品的人更了解它。This unique device communications and so to say time traveling gizmo will also show info about the people who created or helped create such works of art.

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这种多功能钟表,是那些笑对时间的人们的终极小发明,是他们在命运的间隙里闪过的智慧,在宿命的厨房里的大显身手。The Binary Clock, the ultimate gizmo for people who laugh in the face of time, play tiddlywinks on the lap of destiny, and boil bratwurst in the kitchen of fate.

相比之下,我们这台堪称突破的新机器却受制于一般在分子、原子和亚原子微粒世界兴风作浪的量子力学,只有用这种奇异的机制才能解释它的运作机理。In contrast, the new gizmo jiggles in ways explicable only by the weird rules of quantum mechanics, which ordinarily govern molecules, atoms, and subatomic particles.

虽然对于这个原因我最好的猜测是,当你有一个告诉你走了多少的机器后,你会倾向于走得更多,不过这也要看大家怎么想。It really up to speculation why this is, though my best guess is that when you have a gizmo that tells you how much you are walking, you are just inclined to walk more.

无论你是要搞个一次性的小发明还是如假包换的科学仪器,在你想造个“小匣子”的时候,通常遇到的麻烦是像老鼠窝一样难缠的电线。A common problem that you may come across when building "a box" to do something-- whether a one-off gizmo or bona fide scientific instrument --is the rats nest of wires.

在日场里创建一个相机后,一个相机装置也会出现,只要你没有在相机里,就会看到它,选择并进行编辑。Once you have created a camera within matinee, a camera gizmo will appear and as long as you are not inside the camera you will be able to see it and select it, editing it's properties.

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鞋子扫描设备也许会让你在过安检的时候稍微快一点——前提条件是国土安全部的这个小发明这次却是有效了——但是,这并不意味着它就能拦住下一个恐怖分子。Shoe-scanning might get you through the security line quicker — assuming the scanner gizmo DHS wants actually works this time. But that doesn’t mean it’ll stop the next airborne terrorist.