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受到费舍女士挑战的德克萨斯录取系统非常特别。The Texas system challenged by Ms. Fisher is idiosyncratic.

在欧洲主要俱乐部中,阿森纳仍是最为特殊的一个。Arsenal remain the most idiosyncratic of Europe's major clubs.

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抱定本土经营的理念,同时也承担一些特殊风险。Being decidedly local also carries other, idiosyncratic risks.

对阿斯塔纳建筑风格的最好描述就是气度不凡。Astana’s architectural style can best be described as idiosyncratic.

实际上,现代的移动设备并非特质的消费设备。In fact, modern mobile devices are not idiosyncratic consumer devices.

我们身上到处都是人类进化的特质性特征。We are full of the accumulated baggage of our idiosyncratic histories.

中国与众不同的发展模式从来都不易归类。China’s idiosyncratic pattern of development is never easy to categorise.

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杜可风是善于创作、有特色的艺术摄影师。Doyle is also an acclaimed photographer with a beautifully crafted, idiosyncratic style.

特立独行的电影制作者和艺术家,积极地探索自己的道路。Free Radicals- idiosyncratic film makers and artists who energetically take their own course.

我会讲讲我的观点,可能我的观点不同寻常。I'll present my view of the situation, but maybe it's a rather idiosyncratic view that I have.

这部笑剧展示了一群辞职于造纸公司的怪僻员工的职场滑稽。The comedy featuring a group of idiosyncratic employees at a paper company can offer some business humor.

用她热情活力,个性十足的着装,奥巴马夫人已经改写了职业女性的着装规范。With her brio and idiosyncratic clothing choices, Mrs. Obama has rewritten the dress code for women who work.

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莫利逊,虽然从摇滚,放出一些民间摇滚风格轨迹中,总是一种奇特的方式。Van morrison although from rock and roll released some folk-rock style tracks always in an idiosyncratic mode.

文笔之分是六朝文学中的一个特殊现象,本源于两汉时的文学文章之分。The distinction between verse and prose was an idiosyncratic phenomenon in the literatures of the Six Dynasties.

本篇文章研究1963年到2006年,特质风险对于股票周收益率横截面数据的影响。This paper examines the impact of idiosyncratic risk on the cross-section of weekly stock returns from 1963 to 2006.

我把它读出来吧,维基百科告诉我们self是,一个统一存在的概念,也就是特殊意识的来源。Wikipedia informs us that the self is the idea of a unified being, which is the source of an idiosyncratic consciousness.

与此同时,芝加哥商品交易所开发了一种基于场景的模型,设计它的目的时计算系统风险和异常风险。CME, meanwhile, has developed a scenario-based model designed to take into account systemic and idiosyncratic risk factors.

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“失焦”状态不单体现在叙事内容上,还体现在叙事形式上。The state of "out of focus" is not only characterized by the narrative contents, but is also idiosyncratic in narrative models.

而且,交易成本,卖空限制和信息不对称不能解释特质风险的作用。Further, transaction costs, short-sale constraints and information uncertainty cannot account for the role of idiosyncratic risk.

英语分裂结构作为一种特殊的句法构式,历来是各语法学派研究的热门话题。As a series of idiosyncratic constructions for focussing, clefts have been approached by many scholars from alternate perspectives.