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于是我被划为不宜参军的人。I was classified unfit to serve.

今天我穿了一双不合脚的鞋。Today I wore a pair of unfit shoes.

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这样的二元抉择对于周春芽来说似乎都不合适。Either choice seems to be unfit for Zhou Chunya.

他的挂彩使他有法负任这份农做。His back injury had rendered him unfit for work.

他的父亲非常虚弱,不适于立刻就上班。His father is terribly run down and is unfit for work right now.

被控犯谋杀罪的女人据说疯了,因此不适合出庭申辩。The woman charged with murder was said to be mad and unfit to plead.

因此,对疾病诊断分类时不能把诊断名称按ICD-10的编码对号入座。And then, its unfit to decide the ICD-10 code based on the diagnoses.

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“哎呀!”他心里嘀咕着,“我是愚蠢呢还是杭州收藏网不称职?”Dear me, " he said to himself, "Am I foolish or unfit for my office?"

格里菲斯困惑了,“军队的意思是我若坚持无神论,就不适合当兵吗?”Griffith wondered, "Is the Army saying my atheism makes me unfit to serve?

亨利介绍说,这些猫大多是近亲繁殖,是病猫,不适合领养。Most of the cats were inbred and sick and were unfit for adoption, said Henry.

而身体不好的女性排汗量最少,在强度变大了的骑车过程中这种现象尤其突出。Meanwhile, the unfit women perspired the least, especially during the strenuous cycling.

而身体不好的女性排汗量最少,在强度变大了的骑车过程中这种现象尤其突出。Meanwhile, the unfit women perspired the least, especially during the strenuous cycling.

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被教条僵化或被利欲腐蚀的民族不适宜领导文化。Races which are petrified in dogma or demoralized by lucre are unfit to guide civilization.

但不管怎么说,换婚姻不像换一双不合脚的鞋那么简单。Nevertheless, changing unsuitable marriage is not as easy as changing a pair of unfit shoes.

我们都居住在中国,难道我们都在吃着被美国政府所认为不宜出售东西吗?Are all of us living in China eating something the US government deems unfit for consumption?

一个美国研究小组发现,健康状况不佳和超重的人体内白血球的水准最高。A US team found levels of white blood cells were highest in men who were unfit and overweight.

国家队的比赛让他们付出了代价,阿格身体不适,劳尔在中场休息时吐了。The international fixtures took their toll, with Daniel Agger unfit and Raul spewing up at half-time.

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用这种魔布制成的衣服,那些不称职的人是看不见的。The clothes made of this magic cloth would be invisible to anyone who was unfit for the office he held.

对于不当职务行为的民事责任分配存在着不同的学说和立法例。There are different viewpoints and legislations on civil responsibility for unfit professional actions.

他那副模样真没法见人,他本来可以借我的剃刀刮掉那一脸邋遢的胡子。He is quite unfit to be seen. He might have borrowed my razor to get rid of all that stubble on his face.