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花儿唱歌叶儿听。Leafless flower singing listen.

梨花落尽成秋苑。Leafless autumn pear into Court.

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狂风为无叶的秃树哀悼几几。The winds bewail the leafless tree.

树是不生叶和许多动物冬眠。Trees are leafless and many animals hibernate.

他坐在光秃秃的树下,泪流满面。He sat down under the leafless trees, and wept.

确实。早上在褪尽叶子的灌木丛中一个小时。Indeed. in the leafless shrubbery an hour in the morning.

一种澳大利亚的无叶灌木,类似金雀花,花。Australian leafless shrub resembling broom and having small yellow flowers.

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知道什么该做这个免费关怀与叶兰花拐杖为兰花视频。Learn What to do with leafless orchid canes in this free caring for an orchid video.

透过远处的树林,织女星象一盏灯似地挂在木叶尽脱的树枝间。Far away through the plantation Vega sparkled like a lamp suspended amid the leafless trees.

短枝即开花枝就是长在每个藤枝的新长的无叶部位。Short flowering stems, called spurs, grow from the youngest, leafless portions of each vine.

教室里鸦雀无声。窗外,一场初雪给光秃秃的树裹上了素装。The classroom was very quiet. Outside, the leafless trees were white with the first snowfall.

户外正起风,刮得园子里几棵高高的老树光秃秃的枝桠嘎啦啦响。A wind was springing up outside, making the tall old trees in the garden creak their leafless boughs.

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“这些树是朋友,”他说着抬起头,看向黑色的没有叶子的树冠,映衬着灰色的天空。"These trees are friends, " he said, craning his neck to look at the leafless crowns, black against a gray sky.

勃利特属的任何一种兰花,具有假的鳞茎,笔直、无叶的总状花序,大的,紫色或粉红色的花。Any of various orchids of the genus bletia having pseudo-bulbs and erect leafless racemes of large purple or pink flowers.

月的午后天气阴沉,大雨倾泻在秃枝枯叶的花园里。Sometimes I looked out of the window at the grey November afternoon, and saw the rain pouring down on the leafless garden.

对于它们我百看不厌,尤其是在万圣节期间,当那些光秃秃的树木呈现出一股不祥之兆时,我看得更是起劲。妈呀!I can't get enough of them, especially around Halloween when the shadows from the leafless trees take on ominous shapes. Yikes!

墨西哥国花。仙人掌属多刺无叶植物,种类繁多,一般生长于干旱地区。The national flower of Mexico. They are spiny, usually leafless plants, have various forms and can often be found in dry regions.

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本发明涉及作物发育生物学,具体地,本发明涉及海南棉花露天无叶扦插方法。The invention relates to the biology of crop development, in particular to a method for open-air leafless cutting of Hainan cotton.

总是在叶黄枯落伊始的时候感受到秋的气息,总是在枯叶落尽枝头的时候感受到冬的临近。Always in the yellow leaves withered beginning to feel the breath of autumn, always in the leafless branches when feel winter draws near.

叶子落光的树乍看起来像是死去了,而实际上它是在积蓄迎接春天的希望的能源。A leafless tree may at a glance be taken for one devoid of life, but actually it is saving up its energy to greet the full unfolding of a promising spring.