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“平手”的局面他们维持了多久?How long did they stay on deuce?

可是他在跟什么鬼呢?But who the deuce is he following?

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为何每次都打成平手。How do they go to deuce every time?

这个平局状态我们已经保持了5分钟了。We've stayed on deuce for 5 minutes.

究竟为什么你不让我提出虐待呢?Why the deuce didn't you let me try cruelty ?

她费了好大劲儿才按时完成工作。She had a deuce of a time finishing her work in time.

在那片荒漠,到处都看不到人家。The deuce of a house could be seen anywhere in the desert.

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我现在过的是一种非人的生活,这种生活简直把我撕碎了。I lead the deuce lf a life, simply tearing myself to pieces.

今天你有了一个证据,你心里很难过,这我很理解。The deuce , you've got one today, and I know it's hard lines.

我是碰巧发现你走了的,所以像鬼似地驾着车拼命地追,才赶上了你。I only discovered it by accident, and I have been driving like the deuce to overtake you.

本系统还有和棋、再来一盘、帮助等辅助功能。Moreover, this system has the assistant functions such as "Deuce", " Play Again", " Help" and so on.

当我们搭乘上重型装备运输车后,他们拉着我们沿海岸公路进行,我们的车组并一分两半,一边一半。When we got HETed, they took us down the coast road, and our crews were in the back of a deuce and a half.