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毕尔巴鄂将在世博会上展示什么?What is Bilbao going to show in the Expo?

我们也必须赞扬毕尔包竞技的表现。We must congratulate Bilbao for their performance.

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毕尔巴鄂竞技队声称没有来自其它俱乐部对德尔奥诺的意向。Atletic Bilbao claim no approaches have been made for Del Horno.

我们将在周五对毕尔巴鄂竞技的友谊赛中看见帕托?Will we see Pato in action in Friday's friendly against Athletic Bilbao?

毕尔巴鄂附近的饭店有几个客人放松休闲的场所。Gran Hotel Domine Bilbao boasts several relaxing areas for guest to unwind.

西班牙北部一城市,毕尔巴鄂的一个工业郊区。人口8,'92。A city of northern Spain, an industrial suburb of Bilbao. Population, 8, '92.

在他所有进球表演中有一个对毕尔巴厄的5分钟帽子戏法。Among his scoring feats is a five minute hat-trick in a match with Athletico Bilbao.

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毕尔巴鄂竞技强调他们没有接到任何来自利物浦对马丁内斯的报价。Athletic Bilbao insist they have received no approach from Liverpool for Javi Martinez.

欧洲方面,德尔奥诺表示切尔西和毕尔巴鄂竞技的交易即将完成。Back in Europe Del Horno says a deal between Chelsea and Atletic Bilbao is almost done.

我非常高兴为毕尔巴鄂竞技效力,我希望延续这种快乐,事实的情况就是我不会转会。I am very happy in Bilbao and want to continue. The truth is that I don't want to move.

看来切尔西即将获得毕尔巴鄂竞技队左后卫阿谢-德尔奥诺。Chelsea appear to be closing on the capture of Athletic Bilbao full back Asier Del Horno.

据报道利物浦非常关注毕尔巴鄂竞技队的中场队员哈维马丁内斯。Liverpool are reportedly extremely keen on landing Athletic Bilbao midfielder Javi Martinez.

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而巨额的转会费已经报出,但是毕尔巴鄂方面表示并没有接到来自利物浦的报价。A big-money move has been widely touted, but Bilbao claim no such offer has been forthcoming.

然而,这名20岁的小将强调他在毕尔巴鄂非常开心,他没有离开的打算。However, the 20-year-old insists he has happy at Athletic Bilbao and has no desire to move on.

新教练巴尔韦德也相当不错,当然,别提他在毕尔巴鄂竞技的那档子事儿,就是因为这个才下课的。New coach Ernesto Valverde is impressive too, despite the disaster that befell him at Athletic Bilbao.

预备队后卫马丁-圣何塞将会租借到毕尔巴鄂竞技度过他的09-10赛季。Reserves defender Mikel San Jose is to spend the 2009-10 season on loan at Spanish club Athletic Bilbao.

“切尔西还未与我们联系,不管是官方的还是非官方的,”毕尔巴鄂主席费南多-拉米基兹说。Chelsea have not made contact with us, officially or unofficially, " said Bilbao president Fernando Lamikiz."

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上半场我们的进攻比毕尔巴鄂锐利许多,但他们也有机会。In the first half we were more sharp in front of the goal than Bilbao , but they also had their opportunities.

吉拉享受这一时刻,在友谊赛对毕尔巴鄂时他延续了自己的好状态。Alberto is enjoying the moment, which continued with the good performance against Bilbao in the recent friendly.

这支球队配不上我这样的好教练——无法赢得球迷喜爱的毕尔巴鄂竞技队教练贾普-亨克斯如是说。I'm too good a coach for this team ? Coach Jupp Heynckes fails to endear himself to the Athletic Club Bilbao fans.