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椅子是意大利的镶嵌。The marquetry chairs are Italian.

棺材是紫檀木,黄铜和象牙镶嵌。Thecasket is in rosewood, brass and ivory marquetry.

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我们的客户定制内部设计师可以使用刺绣和镶嵌工艺来使车的内部个性化。Our Bespoke interior designers can also use embroidery and marquetry to personalise the inside of the car.

花环和音效是镶嵌字形木镶嵌,以及机构的约束与乳白色晶体。The rosette and soundboard are inlaid with herringbone wood marquetry , and the body is bound with grained ivoroid.

女士写字台用胡桃木和红木树干做的嵌花饰面做装饰,那饰面上镶有16世纪意大利装饰性的图案。Ladies Writing Desk made of Walnut and Crotch Mahogany with inlaid Marquetry in a 16th century Italian decorative pattern.

使用箱根镶嵌工艺而制作的工艺品是富士山附近一带的游客最喜欢的纪念品。Articles made using Hakone marquetry are some of the most popular souvenir items for tourists in this area close by Mount Fuji.

较小的一个镀金嵌木,因为制作考究,就又用了一块麻木包上,以防止潮湿。The smaller one was so ornate with gilt and wood marquetry that it had to be covered again with burlap to save it from the damp.

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当我做完吉镶嵌细工和所有组合工作,我开始用手刮刀,然后在音箱里放一个灯泡开始看。After I put on the marquetry and everything, I start to work with a hand scraper, and look inside with a bulb. Inside the wood of the guitar.

顶端装饰有天使雕像和搪瓷漆制时钟,柜子正面有八个贴上皮革的抽屉及镀金的手把,侧面和背面则用各种颜色的细木镶嵌成花卉的图样。The eight drawers are covered in leather with gilt handles, and the back and sides of the cabinet are decorated with a floral design in wood marquetry.

进入飞机后,第一印象将是震撼,一个15世纪意大利宫殿风格的嵌入式行星时钟挂饰映入眼帘。Upon entering, you will be thrilled by the first impressions you get. A planetary clock, embedded in a marquetry mural inspired by the 15th Century Ducal Palace's Studiolo of Italy, faces you.