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他说,“这像是中国政府的展示品。”It's a showpiece of the government.

安德里亚是个展示品,也是功能项目。Andrea is a showpiece as well as functional item.

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“没办法比较。”他说,“这像是中国政府的展示品。”"There's no comparison," he says. "It's a showpiece of the government."

皇冠六间号称坦湖之王,展示级的六间可以达到12英寸长,它被呢称为“Fronts”。The king of Lake Tanganyika, this showpiece can attain lengths over 12 inches!

拉森达体育场在1995年再一次迎来了世界杯盛宴,第二届女子足球世界杯在此举行。The Rasunda next staged a global showpiece in 1995 with the second FIFA Women's World Cup.

然而,这位西班牙球员由于禁赛,被迫没能参加加迪夫的足总杯决赛。However, the Spanish international was forced to sit out the Cardiff showpiece due to suspension.

伊比利亚则举办了1982年世界足球的展览会,那一年意大利将奖杯收入囊中。The Iberians staged the 1982 edition of world football’s showpiece event, when the Trophy was won by Italy.

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但是法布雷加斯坚决不要加入到沃尔科特的行列,他要第一次在杯赛决赛上戴上阿森纳的队长袖标。Theo Walcott also picked up an inury during the Emirates clash and has been ruled out of Sunday's showpiece.

周日的卡迪尔国际马球日是马球项目一年里最夺人眼球的演出,可能吸引超过25000人前来观赏。Sunday’s Cartier International Polo day is the sport’s showpiece event of the year, likely to draw crowds in excess of 25, 000.

帕特为本周六即将在温布利球场上演的决战兴奋不已,并对这座他曾经奋战过的球场进行了回忆。Pat this week joins the increasing excitement over Saturday's Wembley showpiece and the nostalgia for the stadium that once was there.

把多媒体技术应用于教学,制成教学课件,是精品课程建设的重要组成部分。Applying multimedia technique to make courseware in teaching and learning is the important part of the construction of showpiece course.

设置在大岛的专属科纳-科哈拉海岸,这个展品捕捉到夏威夷度假酒店设计,文化和传统的精髓。Set on the Big Island's exclusive Kona-Kohala Coast, this showpiece resort captures the essence of Hawaiian design, culture and tradition.

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这位38岁的首次执教西甲的带领加泰罗尼亚人完美挺进冠军杯决赛的主教练告诉CNN,巴塞罗那将战斗并最终赢得胜利。The 38-year-old, who has guided the Catalan side to the showpiece finale in his debut season in charge, told CNN his side would play to win.

当你购买Wii的竞争对手的游戏机之后,你可以很轻易的领略宽广宏伟的3D世界以及顶级的1080像素的高清视觉效果。Purchase a competing device and you get an HD showpiece readily capable of powering sprawling, grandiose 3-D worlds and stunning 1080p visuals.

理查兹并没有听从队医的安排,而是使用氧气帐恢复跟腱的伤势。上个星期六,他就提前出现在训练场上。Richards had defied doctors by using an oxygen tent to recover from his hamstring injury ahead of schedule to play in the showpiece last Saturday.

莎拉波娃今天光是双误就多达10次。最终李娜继澳网夺得亚军后,成为首位进入罗兰加洛斯决赛的中国选手。Sharapova hit 10 double-faults as Li, runner-up at the Australian Open, became the first Chinese player to advance to the Roland Garros showpiece.

他们自称是资本主义和民主的展示品,现在变成空心化,他们被迫向社会主义、不民主的中国寻求帮助。Their claim to be the showpiece of capitalism and democracy becomes hollow after they are forced to look at socialist undemocratic China for help.

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类似卡迪尔日的展示活动给了奢侈品牌赞助商一个宝贵的机会,让他们能够接触到富有的顾客以及强大的产品协会。Showpiece events such as the Cartier day offer luxury brand sponsors valuable exposure to an affluent clientele and unrivalled product associations.

荷兰前锋因为腿腱的问题而缺席了周中战胜斯托克城的比赛,不过他健康地回归到周日阿森纳出战伯明翰的比赛。The Dutch forward missed the midweek win over Stoke City with a hamstring problem but he is fit to return for Sunday's showpiece against Birmingham.

即使那是一次令人心痛的失败,安全获得2007年中国女足世界杯的参赛权后,巴西队仍然决定将在九月的赛场上创造记录。Having safely qualified for China 2007 despite that painful setback, Brazil are determined to set the record straight come September's showpiece event.