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中国山水诗歌的产生和发展与佛教哲理有着不解之缘。There is close contact between Chinese landscape poems and the Buddhistic philosophic theory.

作为世界性的宗教,佛教已由原始佛教的素朴一味,流变为如今的宗派林立,教义繁杂,佛学典籍三藏十二部更是浩如烟海。As a world religion, Buddhism has been more and more complex, difficult to understand, Buddhistic classical works are so many.

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并以此提出,在面对佛教神话时,做为一个信仰者应该如何才能既保存信仰,也拥抱理性?This thesis puts forth in facing of the buddhistic myths, how could buddhists keep their own faith and concurrently embrace reason?

考古学家在埋藏吐火罗遗址的沙堆上发现了珠宝,表现了受到希腊、印度和佛教的早期影响。The archeological treasures found in its sand buried ruins point to Tocharian , early Hellenistic, Indian and Buddhistic influences.

事实上我认为,如果在韩国文化里排除佛教的色彩,就等于排除了核心部分,只讨论剩余部分一样。Actually, I've been thinking to exclude the Buddhistic color from the Korean culture and to discuss the remainder except the core are same.

因其佛化程度深厚,一直享有“佛之齐鲁”、“妙香古国”、“佛国”的盛誉,观音信仰作为云南佛教的重要表征之一,占有非常显著的位置。For the deep-seated Buddhistic background, these two countries have been known as "Buddhist Qilu", "Old Kingdom of Ganhalaraj" and "Buddhist Country".

位于山西五台县东北、高居海拔两千四百八十五公尺至三千五十八公左右的五台山,是中国历朝顶礼膜拜的佛教圣地。Located in the northeast of Sanshi Province, Wu-Tai Mountain is not merely a high mountain but a traditional important Buddhistic holly place in China.

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本文从塞林格的佛教主义思想角度出发,来探讨主人公霍尔顿•考尔菲德的性格命运及其暂时失败的根源。The paper by probing into salinger's buddhistic thinking expounds the hero holden caulfield's character and fortune and the cause of his temporary failure.

佛教文化对中国古代小说产生了重要影响,中国小说也以其特有的方式反映了佛教在中国的发展。Buddhistic culture has a great impact upon Chinese ancient novels and stories , which , conversely in their particular ways , reveal the development of Buddhism in China.

而后主诗词中清凉幽寂的艺术境界的创造,既是他高雅艺术情趣的体现,也与他深受佛教禅宗美学思想的熏陶有关。And the creation of the Buddhistic state of chilly loneliness is not only and indication of his sublime artistic interest but also is closely related to Buddhist aesthetics.

作为美学范畴的意境浸润着传统的民族意识、思维方式和精神追求。The artistic conception belonging to aesthetics soaks national consciousnesses thinking manners and spiritual pursuit. Buddhistic philosophic theory inflnenced forming the artistic conception.

这类侠义人以疗病医伤救助动物,又幸运地蒙“侠义兽”报恩的故事,可能受到西域传来象求医报恩的佛经故事启发。Such a story of people curing an animal of its disease and being rewarded with much retribution from the animal may derive from the Buddhistic story of an elephant repaying an obligation in India.