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成为戴绿帽者的状况。To make a cuckold of.

一天,一只乌龟在散步。A day , one cuckold are taking a walk.

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他这辈子都得戴绿帽子吗?Must he be a cuckold for the rest of his life?

从现在起,她告诉他,你是我的王八。From now on, she tells him, you are my cuckold.

你就是那个给我戴绿帽子的助手?Were you the clerk that is to make me cuckold ?

你就是让我戴绿帽子的文员?Were you the clerk that is to make me a cuckold?

亚瑟王本人被描绘成一个被人戴绿帽子的软弱之人。Arthur himself has been portrayed as a weak cuckold.

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亚瑟王本人被描绘成一个被人戴绿帽子的软弱之人。Arthur himself has been portrayed as a weak cuckold.

哎呀,都是男人嘛,我能体谅你此刻戴绿帽的心情。Ah, we are both men. I can understand your feeling of being cuckold.

这样,你可以放心地去找了,我也就不用戴绿帽子了!In this way, you can safely go, and I also do not have a son of a cuckold !

主人的真理论述随后出现,只是作为工具,作为历史的光冕堂皇的遮羞者。And the master subsequently appears only aas the instrument, the magnificent Cuckold of history.

刚一上课,老师告诉他,在中国戴绿帽子表示妻子有外遇。Just one class, the teacher told him that the child be a cuckold in China, said his wife was having an affair.

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骆晓春来到顾家装作可怜兮兮的样子告诉大家刘梦洁红杏出墙给自己戴了绿帽子。LuoXiaoChun to pretend like pathetic tell everyone Liu Mengjie lmond wall wearing a cuckold husband for yourself.

不会是佟佳氏这么猛红杏出墙叫四阿哥带绿帽子了吧?Can't be a so fierce and ruddy good Tong surname almond wall to call four the elder brother took a cuckold husband?

报道称,被“戴绿帽”的男子是名美国记者,因为气不过而向媒体爆料。Reported, was "cuckold" is the name of the man American reporter, because the gas but rather to the media broke the news.

这时它和一个男乌龟人看见了一瓶果汁,乌龟跑了过去拿了果汁。At this time it and a man have seen that one bottle juice , cuckold run very fast over at the same time rushing to have arrived at juice.

男人的名誉是最为珍贵的,戴绿帽子比勾引人更难堪,法律难道对此不了解吗?Did the Law not know that a man's name was to him the apple of his eye, that it was far harder to be regarded as cuckold than as seducer?

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男人气愤的拿来一箱果汁在乌龟面前喝,乌龟也很气愤,看见了男人的卡车,开走了卡车,男人很惊讶。The man is angry bring a box of juice here before the cuckold aha, the cuckold has been also very indignant , has seen that man's truck, has driven a truck away , the man has been very surprised.