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他又跑到村口。He ran to the village.

我村是美丽的。My village is beautiful.

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他是个蠢才乡巴佬!He was the village idiot!

它在东港新村里。It's in Donggang Village.

它离金氏村很近。It's near King's Village.

虽然百花村不大。Baihua Village is not big.

雾笼罩着述村子。Fog enveloped the village.

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我们的村庄在谷里。Our village is in a valley.

这是一所乡村学校This is the village school.

他在一个小山村居住。He lives in a small village.

我在一个很穷的农村长大。I grew up in a poor village.

这位村姑善织补。The village girl darns well.

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印尼农村的一个村庄。A village in rural Indonesia.

他住在一个荒凉的山村里。He lives in a lonely village.

辛特拉村庄的中心。The centre of Sintra village.

那个村庄位于一个山谷。The village lies in a valley.

借湖村的哈尼农舍。Hani cottage in Jiehu village.

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滕头村是什么地方?How special is Tengtou Village?

李妈是这村上的稳婆。Li-ma was the village mid-wife.

摄影机镜头移到村中。The camera pans to the village.