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腐植酸全部采用黄腐酸。The use of humic acid FA.

比如法国,就是“法瓜”。France, for example, is Fa Gwa.

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英足总以后肯定会搞清事情。The FA will have to clarify things.

但是,我觉得足总杯也很重要,But I think the FA Cup is also important

这是一款适用于基本的计算机清理的简单易用的工具。An easy-to-use tool fa basic PC clean-up.

赔偿金并不来自于足总基金。The compensation does not come out of FA funds.

旱地龙可有效地缩小叶面气孔开度。FA could decrease the opening degree of wheat stoma.

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旱地龙和三十烷醇可提高叶绿素含量。FA and TRIA could increase the content of chlorophyll.

发菜是必须的因为它象征着富贵。Fa Cai is a must as it symbolize fortune and prosperity.

同样在1970年足总杯决赛重赛中,皮特-伯内蒂带伤出场加时赛。Peter Osgood's equaliser in the 1970 FA Cup Final replay.

婴儿前囟门大小不能作为是否缺钙的判断依据。The FA size could not indicate the infant calcium status.

古典建筑中正面飞檐上的矮墙或矮楼。Low wall or story above the cornice of a classical fa?ade.

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除此之外,还有一个联赛,即足总杯,But alongside that, there's also the tournament, the FA Cup,

我觉得,我生活中的一切,都要与证实法有关才是正常的。Everything in my life has to be linked to validating the Fa.

事实上,业余方也可以在足总杯上比赛。and in fact, also amateur sides can also play in the FA Cup.

钦差见王发这么积极,还以为他是个好人。An imperial see Wang Fa so positive, thought he was a good man.

能够与陈法拉一起出席活动,孙耀威大感兴奋。Eric was very excited to attend the same event with Chan Fa La.

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我是个帅气的男孩,我的爱好是打篮球和练书法。I am a handsome boy, I love playing basketball and is Lianshu Fa.

足总同时指出从头到尾,温格都没提过福伊的名字。The FA also noted that at no time did Wenger mention Foy by name.

英超联赛和足总杯有什么区别?What is the difference between the Premier League and the FA Cup?