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我患有脑瘫。I have cerebral palsy.

专家的争论如何定义脑瘫。Experts debate how to define cerebral palsy.

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这里中风把最后几根愁闷的灰发摇晃Where palsy shakes a few, sad, last gray hairs

拉拉们笑得不行,几乎要瘫到地毯上去。They laugh half dead and nearly palsy to carpet.

这里中风把最后几根愁闷的灰发摇晃Where palsy shakes a few, sad, last grey hairs, 25

痉挛性瘫痪是一种脑性瘫痪形式。Spastic paralysis is a spastic form of cerebral palsy.

脑性瘫痪康复的主要途径探讨。Comprehensive rehabilitation therapy for cerebral palsy.

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然后她“嘭”地摔掉电话,软瘫到沙发上了。Then suddenly she throw down the phone palsy into the sofa.

波特是一位患有脑瘫的波特兰老人。Bill Porter is a 65-year-old Portlander with cerebral palsy.

术后2例不全偏瘫,2例动眼神经麻痹,无死亡。Hemiplegia occurred in 2 cases and oculomotor nerve palsy in 2 cases.

目的观察小针刀疗法降低痉挛型脑瘫患者肌张力的疗效。ObjectiveTo observe the effect of Acupotomy on spastic cerebral palsy.

甲状腺手术中喉返神经损伤与肿瘤位置和手术方式有关。The tumorous sites and the surgical method are risk factors for RLN palsy.

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家庭物理治疗是一种有效的脑瘫治疗方法。Family physiotherapy is an effective method for cerebral palsy in children.

结论BTX-A治疗儿童痉挛型脑性瘫痪具有明显疗效。Conclusion BTX-A is significantly effective to child spastic cerebral palsy.

双侧动眼神经麻痹1例,与手术牵拉有关。Bilateral oculomotor palsy occurred in 1 case due to intraoperative traction.

产瘫的早期显微外科治疗。The early treatment of the obstetric brachial plexus palsy with microsurgery.

方法对26例痉挛型脑瘫患儿进行步态分析。Methods The gaits of 26 spastic diplegia cerebral palsy children were analyzed.

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目的观察先天性上斜肌麻痹的手术治疗效果。Objective To observe the operation effect of congenital superior oblique palsy.

术后仅发生右侧外展神经麻痹。No neurologic deficit was encounterd postoperatively except right abducens palsy.

一位患有脑瘫的男孩的养父母正在为他能平安回家而祈祷。The foster parents of a boy with cerebral palsy are pleading for his safe return.