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我爱亚伯拉罕这个名字。I love the name of Abraham.

我与亚伯拉罕有何关系?How am I related to Abraham?

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他们是亚伯拉罕的后裔吗?Are they the seed of Abraham?

用亚伯拉罕·林肯平静的车厢。The Abraham Lincoln lown cars.

而林肯总统的只有271字。Abraham Lincoln's was only 271.

第一只直立行走的猴子,后来与汤姆.布罗考和亚伯拉罕.林肯一起编写年鉴的人。Tom Brokaw and Abraham Lincoln.

犹太人是亚拉伯罕的种。The Jews are the seed of Abraham.

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亚拉伯罕林肯总统异常震怒。President Abraham Lincoln was angry.

我也是。他们是亚伯拉罕的后裔么?I also. The seed of Abraham are they?

他对年轻,桀骜的侄子说。Abraham said to his young, wild nephew.

这就是亚伯拉罕·林肯的信念。That’s what Abraham Lincoln understood.

阿伯拉罕·林肯对奴隶制嫉恨如仇。Abraham Lincoln was the enemy of slavery.

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亚伯拉罕昂起头,看见一只公羊。Then Abraham looked up, and he saw a ram.

亚伯拉罕昂起头,看见一只公羊。Then abraham looked up, and he saw a ram.

亚伯拉罕想要买哪块地作为墓地?What burial site did Abraham want to buy?

林肯说,自由是这个星球上最美好的愿望。Abraham Lincon calls it best hope of Earth.

亚伯拉罕俯伏在地敬拜神。Abraham falls on his face and worships God.

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亚伯拉罕后来在货车上睡着了。Abraham finally went to sleep on the waggon.

亚伯拉罕将一切所有的都给了以撒。And Abraham gave all that he had unto Isaac.

他演起来太像亚伯拉罕·林肯了。Gregory Peck! He looks like Abraham Lincoln.