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那是马赛马若尔教堂的主教。He was the Bishop of Majore at Marseilles.

走,弗尔南多,你不和我们一块儿回马赛吗?Come, Fernand, won't you return to Marseilles with us?

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我们认为每吨马赛船上交货应为二百七十法郎左右比较合理。We think an appropriate price should be around 270 francs per ton, FOB Marseilles.

马赛是最大的港口,而里昂则以纺织工业著称于世。Marseilles is a chief port and Lyon is an industrial center famous for its textiles.

马赛是建立在一个原先的腓尼基殖民地旧址上的希腊城。Marseilles was a Greek town established on the site of an earlier Phoenician colony.

我于当天晚上离开了马赛。多亏了阿诺的一路保护,黄金丝毫无损。That night, thanks to Arnott, I left Marseilles with not one single piece of money lost.

但是在晚上,他却搭乘了通往马赛而并非爱丽舍宫的高速列车。But in the evening, instead of going to the Elysee, he's on the TGV fast train to Marseilles.

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最近十年来,我们和马赛莫雷尔父子公司有联系。We are, and have been these ten years, connected with the house of Morrel &Son, of Marseilles.

与此同时,马赛厄斯和露易丝的恋情也渐渐浮出水面。Meanwhile, the amour of Yi Si of Si Helou of Marseilles be stranded also rises to surface gradually.

马赛宣布他们本周将和利物浦展开关于签约西塞的谈判。Marseilles claim that they will open discussions with Liverpool this week about signing Djibril Cissé.

一向阳光明媚的法国马赛也下起大雪,导致列车停运,国际机场一度关闭。In France, heavy snow forced normally sunny Marseilles to halt trains and close its international airport.

利物浦也希望马塞在卖出里贝里之后能有现金来买下西赛。Liverpool, meanwhile, will hope that Marseilles will use some of that cash to sign Djibril Cissépermanently.

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这就相当于每年芝加哥或马赛整个城市所有的儿童都消失。ETIENNE KRUG It's like wiping out every year the whole population of children in Chicago or a city like Marseilles.

我们接到当地轮船公司通知,“勃鲁维克”轮定于本月10日左右开往马赛。We are informed by the local shipping company that s. s. Browick is due to sail for Marseilles on or about the 10th inst.

当我们以相互的利益为基础做生意的时候,我某处每公吨表袋马赛270法国法郎左右。As we do business on the basis of mutual benefit I suggest somewhere around270french francs per metric ton fob marseilles.

我们都是在互利的基础上做交易,我建议每公吨马赛船上交货价为270法郎左右。As we do business on the basis of mutual benefit, I suggest somewhere around 270 Francs per metric ton F. O. B. Marseilles.

随着边防检查站的取消,鲁本和马赛厄斯不可避免地要开始一起巡逻。As frontier defence checkpoint cancel, reuben and Marseilles strategic point this should begin inevitably to patrol together.

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我们接受你方对10000吨硫酸铵的还盘,即每公吨马赛船上交货价260法郎。Well, we accept your counter-offer for the 10000 ton of ammonium sulfate, at 260 french francs per metric ton fob marseilles.

布莱克本昨天完成了27岁马赛后卫盖尔-吉维的正式签约,此前他已经在艾伍德公园租借效力了一个赛季。Rovers yesterday completed the �3.5m signing of Marseilles defender Gael Givet, 27, who was on loan at Ewood Park last season.

我们都是在互利的基础上做交易。我建议每公吨马赛船上交货价为27MUTUAL法郎左右。As we do business on the basis of mutual benefit, I suggest somewhere around 27MUTUAL Francs per metric ton F. O. B. , Marseilles.