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债务人可以向受让人主张抵销。The obligor May avail itself of any set-off against the assignee.

而且,发布计划现在可以根据活动或被分配人分组。Also, the release plan can now be grouped by Activtiy or Assignee.

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营业受让人安全,营业转让实践活动才会越丰富。Business assignee security, business transfer will be more extensive practice.

在收到该通知后,债务人只有通过向受让人了债才干解除债务。After the obligor receives such a notice, it is discharged only by paying the assignee.

后者,可以抽逃出资瑕疵股权转让人和受让人为共同被告。The latter, taking the assignor and the assignee of capital flight for the co-defendant.

其余情况下,让与人和受让人承担连带责任。Otherastute the assignor and the assignee are accordingly and seveassemblage accountable.

上述两个代码片断都能够取出用户被支使的使命列表。Both code snippets will retrieve the tasks where the assignee currently is the given user.

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然而,受让人应将他新获得的既得权利尽快告知债务人。However, the assignee should notify the debtor of his newly acquired rights as soon as possible.

指因居间及代理业务或受委讬等报酬所得之收入。Revenues earned from compensation for intermediary and agent business or for acting as an assignee.

动产抵押物的交易会引起抵押权人和标的受让人之间的利益冲突。The trade of the chattel mortgage subject could cause a conflict between the mortgagee and assignee.

原所有权人、无权处分人与受让人间的利益冲突更加复杂微妙。So, the conflict of the original owner, non-entitled party and assignee is more complex and delicate.

此外,受让人还取得要求转让人加注背书之权利。In addition, require the assignor to the assignee also obtained the right to add the word endorsement.

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法定破产管理人会将你的资产进行变卖,并将所得向你的债权人进行支付。The Official Assignee will attend to the realisation of your assets and make payments to the creditors.

任何委托代理人或合法继承者承担合同中的所有义务和享有所有权利。Any assignee or legal successor to either party shall assume all obligations and benefits of the contract.

债务人可以其反抗让与人的所有抗辩权,抗衡受让人。The obligor may assert against the assignee all defences that the obligor could assert against the assignor.

你需要向法定破产管理人提交一份资产负债说明书,以及一份破产申请书。You will need to file a completed Statement of Affairs and an application for bankruptcy to the Official Assignee.

第三十条再保险接受人不得向原保险的投保人要求支付保险费。Article 30 The reinsurance assignee shall not demand payment of premiums by the applicant of the original insurance.

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为了避免债务人承担过多的风险,在受让人进行通知时应当赋予债务人提存的权利。To avoid the overmuch risks obligor bears, obligor should have the right of drawing in the event of notice by assignee.

因权利转让产生的任何额定本钱,债务人有权请求让与人或受让人给予弥补。The obligor has a right to be atoned by the assignor or the assignee for any additional costs acquired by the assignment.

当买方或其本合同项下允许的受让人停止使用合同设备之时,本设备软件许可即自动终止。This Software License shall terminate automatically when Buyer or its permitted assignee discontinues use of the Equipment.